You're Safe With Me

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It was the night after seeing Pekka Rollins and Jesper hadn't really been there much for Wylan that day.

The house was quiet except for Kaz.

But then, piercing through the silence, was the sound of screaming. Pained cries, muffled sobs. Kaz bolted awake at the sound of Wylan's cries.

Without a second thought, he shot out of his bed and pulled on his coat, grabbing his cane as he did. He rushed down the hallway, his heart pounding like a drum in his chest.

Without hesitation, Kaz opened the door and rushed to Wylan's bedside, finding him writhing in bed, caught in the grip of a terrible nightmare. Kaz reached out and shook Wylan's shoulder gently, trying to rouse him from the depths of his fear.

"Wylan, wake up. It's just a dream," he said softly, trying to break through Wylan's terror.

But Wylan was too far gone, his cries growing louder with each passing moment. Kaz knew that he needed Jesper's gentle touch to calm Wylan down and guide him back to sleep.

Kaz hurried to Jesper's side of the room, gently shaking him awake. "Jesper, wake up. Wylan's having a nightmare, and he needs you," he whispered urgently.

Jesper blinked and quickly understood the situation. He got out of bed and followed Kaz to Wylan's side. Without a word, Jesper sat down on the bed, taking Wylan's trembling hand and holding it firmly.

"It's okay, Wylan. You're safe. I'm here," Jesper murmured, his voice soothing and filled with love.

Kaz stood back, watching the tenderness in Jesper's eyes as he tried to calm their beloved Wylan. He knew that Jesper had the magic touch, that he was able to bring solace to Wylan's restless mind.

Gradually, Wylan's cries began to subside, and his body relaxed under Jesper's touch. Jesper continued to stroke his hair and whisper comforting words until Wylan's breathing slowed to a steady rhythm.

With a final kiss on Wylan's forehead, Jesper sat back and watched over him as he fell back into a peaceful slumber. The room was filled with a gentle calmness as Jesper lingered by Wylan's side, ensuring that the nightmarish visions were replaced by a sense of safety and love.

Kaz quietly approached Jesper and placed a hand on his shoulder, offering him a supportive smile. "Thank you for being here for him, Jesper. You have a gift for easing his pain."

Jesper turned to Kaz, his eyes filled with gratitude. "I love him, Kaz. I'd do anything for him."

The two of them sat in silence, the room enveloped in serenity. Though Kaz had not been the one to soothe Wylan directly, he knew that his presence had played a vital role in protecting their fragile father-son like bond.

As he slowly left the room, Kaz couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of appreciation for the love they shared, knowing that together they would always be there to bring solace and peace to one another.

The morning light crept through the window, illuminating the peaceful form of Jesper who still slept soundly behind Wylan. As he turned around to face his boyfriend, Wylan felt his heart overflow with love and appreciation for the man lying next to him.

A gentle smile graced Wylan's lips as he took in the sight of Jesper's tousled hair and relaxed expression, a realisation that he was the luckiest man in the world dawning on him. Slowly, Wylan reached out to brush a wayward strand of Jesper's hair from his face, before placing a tender kiss on his cheek.

Jesper stirred from his slumber, a lazy grin forming on his face as he opened his eyes. "Hey," he mumbled, his voice still husky with sleep.

Wylan felt his heart flutter at the sound, as he turned to gaze at Jesper with adoration. "Good morning. Thank you for staying with me last night," he said, snuggling closer to Jesper's warm body.

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