7 - The Feast

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-second person (y/n pov)-

The Hogwarts Express had finally arrived at Hogsmeade station, and as per usual, there was a mad struggle to get off the train and head towards the carriages. The weather continued to be miserable; heavy winds flung students all around the place while chilling raindrops hammered against their bodies.

"Firs'-years this way!" Boomed Hagrid's familiar voice across the small platform.

You sent a quick wave in his direction before turning and following the twins and Lee, you planned to chat with Hagrid but decided against it as the weather was worsening by the minute, you thought to head down to his hut tomorrow after classes ended instead. You, the twins and Lee hurriedly made your way off of the platform and onto a rather muddy path leading towards the carriages to take you to Hogwarts.

"Merlin's beard, it's bloody foundering tonight," you huffed, grasping your hood to cover your face.

"They should have the carriages right beside the station." Lee pondered.

"They are right next to the station." Fred snickered, heading over to you and throwing his arm around your shoulder.

As you all exited the narrow path, you saw over one hundred carriages all lined up and ready to take you all to Hogwarts. Without hesitation, you all sprinted towards an empty carriage and sat down to escape the rain. In a matter of minutes, the coach departed and began to trudge its way toward the school. The ride to the grand castle was almost over, of course, it took no longer than ten minutes but you were waiting for the feast and it still felt like an eternity away. As the carriages began to flood through the mighty iron gates, you saw the eerie sight of Dementors guarding the front columns.

"D'you think they're gonna be everywhere?" Lee asked, turning his attention from the Dementors towards you.

"'Reckon they will, y'know with Sirius Black on the loose," George answered, hugging his shoulders. Immediately you felt Fred's eyes on you, but you acted as if you never felt it and joined the conversation.

"Not letting it wreck my year, I have you three to do that." you smiled cheakily, resulting in a slight shove to the shoulder from George and a few snickers.


The Great Hall was as magnificent as ever, there were four long tables for each house lined with students, while thousands of candles hung mid-air to illuminate the hall. Although, the enchanted ceiling, rather than bright and cheery, was black and cloudy instead. You all took your seats on the Gryffindor table, Y/n beside George with Fred and Lee in front of them, although they were soon joined by Ron, who was alone.

"Where's Harry and Hermione?" you asked, leaning your head against your hand.

"McGonagall pulled them away up to her office before they came in the hall. Harry probably got taken in to be checked after that Dementor on the train," Ron answered, looking clueless.

"What happened to Harry on the train?" George chimed in while leaning across the table.

"He went into a fit or something when the Dementor came into our compartment," said Ron, "But Professor Lupin was there and done some spell to make it go away,"

"Who's that?" Lee asked, facing Ron.

"Doesn't take a genius to work that out, you prat," Fred noted, flicking Lee on the forehead causing a few people around them to giggle, including Alicia Spinnet which made Lee go bright red, "Probably our new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor,"

"Since when did you become such a know-it-all, Fred?" you teased.

"When I met you," said Fred sending a wink in your direction.

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