13 - Hogsmeade

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-second person (y/n pov)-

 Crisp air surrounded the school and leaves that had turned from bright greens to oranges, yellows and reds fell from the trees they had grown from. Scarves and hats were littered among the students who also sported red noses. It was finally that time of the year.

Most mornings, before the twins and Lee woke up, you had gone to the Owlery anticipating your mother's response to the letter you sent to her a week ago about your nightmare, but there was still no response. You still hadn't told anyone about it, not even Oliver, who you told absolutely everything to. Once again, you shook your head in disappointment and left the Owlery, your next stop being the Great Hall for breakfast.

You entered the hall in your ordinary clothes, ready to leave for a trip to Hogsmeade, and made your way down to where the twins and Lee were having their breakfast. They were all sitting at the front of the long table, piling food onto their plates and shoving it in their mouths in the process.

You overheard them talking about what you all would be when you arrived at Hogsmeade, Lee saying, "-the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer or two?"

"Sounds like a fair plan to me," mumbled Fred through a mouthful of cereal.

"'specially the butterbeer part," you commented, slumping down at the table beside George.

"Where've you been at?" said George nonchalantly, dropping a few crumbs of his croissant on his sweater, "Took your bloody time,"

"Had to do a few bits," you shrugged, pouring some apple juice into the glass in front of you.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Fred questioned, staring at you intensely from across the table.

"Had to grab a letter off mum from the Owlery," you said, of course, you didn't receive the letter but you still said that to keep the boys' questions at bay, "Since you lot are so interested."

"You do know the owls deliver letters here?" said Lee, furrowing his brows at you.

"Mhm, I've been here the same amount of time you have, Lee," you chuckled, "I think I've noticed post being delivered here."

However, before the three inquisitive boys could prod at any further questions, a young brunette came bobbing along behind them with a cheeky smile plastered across her face.

Tap, tap.

You turned in the direction of the anonymous person trying to gain your attention from behind. Derek.

"You going to Hogsmeade this morning?" said Derek, his bright green eyes glinting with hope.

"Yeah," you shrugged again, confused by your cousin's question, but quickly coming to a realisation, "You want something, don't you?"

"If you don't mind," he said cooly, trying to act hard in front of the boys but still maintaining a grin from ear to ear. Now, who could ever say no to that? You could. And easily at that, but today you decided against it, even if he was a bit of a prat, he was only first year.

"Sure, what d'you want?" you smiled, tapping the space beside you signalling him to sit down. Fred turned his direction to the young Gryffindor, looking confused at first but going with it.

"Alright, Derek?"

The two boys began to follow his actions, which Derek nodded back to them, awkwardly and silently, which was a rare occurrence.

"Er, just a few sweets from Honeydukes?" 

"Any Galleons to hand over?" you said, putting your hand out.

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