23 - Ravenclaw Vs Gryffindor

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-Second person (y/n pov)-

You weren't sure what to make of the Scabbers' situation. About a week ago, the day you got your Firebolt back, Ron made quite a racket in the Common Room accusing Hermione that her cat, Crookshanks, had killed Scabbers.

Hermione didn't believe a word of it, even with the amount of evidence Ron found practically piling up that it was her very own cat.

To be fair, the cat did have a bit of a vendetta against Scabbers any time they were around each other. But with the fact Ron had cold hard evidence Crookshanks did it, it wasn't hard to believe who the attacker was.

"Come on, Ron, you were always saying how boring Scabbers was," Fred said bracingly. "And he's been off-colour for ages, he was wasting away. It was probably better for him to snuff it quickly. One swallow- he probably didn't feel a thing."

"Fred!" you and Ginny shouted in unison, only with you landing your hand on the back of his head to hit him harshly.

"Argh!" he said, reaching back to rub the back of his head.

"All he did was eat and sleep, Ron, you said it yourself," George said.

"He bit Goyle for us once!" Ron said miserably. "Remember, Harry?"

"Yeah, that's true," Harry said.

"His finest hour," Fred said, you saw his lips pull back to keep a straight face. "Let the scar on Goyle's finger stand as a lasting tribute to his memory. Oh, come on, Ron, get yourself down to Hogsmeade and buy a new rat. What's the point of moaning?"

You turned and stared dumbfounded at Fred, he had absolutely no sense of when was the right and wrong time to say things. He simply grinned back at you and threw his arm over your shoulder.


It was time for your final training before your game against Ravenclaw. You were nervous for it, but with three Firebolts on the team, Oliver said there was absolutely not a thing to worry about.

You and the team clambered out of the changing rooms and onto the pitch to surround Oliver to hear his final instructions on the match.

"Harry, I've found out who Ravenclaw are playing as Seeker. It's Cho Chang. She's a fourth-year, and she's pretty good...I really hoped she wouldn't be fit, she's had some problems with injuries..." Oliver scowled lightly at the thought of Cho's full recovery.

"Nice, Oliver, nice," you said sarcastically.

"On the other hand, she rides a Comet Two Sixty, which is going to look like a joke next to. the Firebolt." he glanced proudly at the brooms, "Right, everyone, let's go-"

You swung your leg over the broom and lifted off. After what felt like years and years of waiting to have a go on your own bloody broom, it was finally time. It was the fastest thing you had gone on in your entire life, even with the lightest touch imaginable the broom would turn. It was unreal.


You crashed down into the pitch as training came to a close. You could have gone as far as to say it was the best one you've ever had, Oliver didn't have a single criticism to make, which, as George pointed out, was a first.

"I can't see what's going to stop us tomorrow!" he said. "Not unless- Harry, you've sorted your Dementor problem, haven't you?"

"Yeah," Harry said plainly.

"The Dementors won't turn up again, Oliver, Dumbledore'd do his nut," Fred said happily.

"Well, let's hope not," Oliver replied. "Anyway- good work everyone. Let's get back to the Tower- turn in early.."

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