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LuvFatima.M~ Some things break your heart but fix your vision❤️‍🩹💆🏽‍♀️

After waking up from being unconscious still feeling rage and anger, Fatima grab her keys and rushed out the house not thinking straight she jumped in her car and speed straight off to kayla's place 

When she got their hakim's car was parked outside so she knew they were there, Popping her trunk fatima got out of the car and grabbed her bat placing it behind her back as she walked up to the front door knocking twice 

A minute later fatima could hear someone about to open door when the door open lo and behold it was kayla who decided to open the door not expecting it kayla got a bat straight to her face causing her to stumble back and hit to floor, Walking in the house fatima screams hakim name so he could join them in the living room 

"Hakim!" Fatima called out making her way inside and closing the door behind her 

Rushing to the living room "What the fuck fatima your not suppose to be here this ain't your shit" Hakim said keeping his distants 

"I really don't gave a fuck hakim and clearly you don't too, You left your pregnant girlfriend laying in a house unconscious to go with a bitch who don't know shit about you five years hakim! you gone throw away five year to go get some pussy else where like you ain't know what pussy felt like before" Fatima said 

"Fatima you gotta leave before i call the police okay i don't want to be with you anyone i didn't even want the baby but you toke it upon yourself to keep it, So fuck how i feel so now It's time i do the same"

"Don't do that because you came back home and basically told me your willing to try parenting i didn't focus you to do this" Fatima said looking hakim straight in his eyes

"I only said that because your sibling were there and so you wouldn't be in my ear every minute  but i don't want that baby and now i don't want this relationship fatima what don't you get i love kayla and i wanna see how thinks go with her" hakim said walking up to fatima slowly 

"I don't even know why i tried" Turning to kayla who is still on the floor "How you get them is how bitch i hope y'all enjoy whatever it is you guy's have going on " Fatima said 

As she was about to turn back to hakim she saw him coming up behind her in the reflection of the tv turning around in the perfect timing fatima swing the hit him in the head knocking him unconscious

Getting off the floor "What did you do?, You need to get out of my house now! you have already done enough he said he does want you what don't you understand" kayla said as she checks to see if hakim is fine

Fatima was stuck she couldn't believe what she had just done, opening the door and jumping into her car fatima took off going 70 miles per hour making her way back home finally letting everything out she started to break down she couldn't believe that she put her all into their relationship for it to just crumble before her 

Coming to a red light fatima stop and just stared into space as the cars on the others side drives over to the next side, Feeling stupid because she trusted that he had change and he wasn't the same old collage boy who would go out and sleep with other girls

Not wanting to be by herself fatima grab her phone and text lori for her to come over because she really needed her right now wasting no time to reply lori text back with saying "Okay i'm on my way" Having the car behind her beep their horn at her two times fatima took off seeing the green light shine in her car as she was about to place her phone down a car came swing around the corner full focus coming straight at her 

Everything went black all fatima could hear was a car horn beeping until she wasn't hearing anything at all 

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