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Zac stared into space, still in a trance, Fatima was talking to him and he didn't hear one word that left her mouth.

Trying to catch his attention "Zac!" Fatima shouted 

"Yeah, I was just listening to what you said."

"Really? What did I say." Fatima said as she grab her purse from the chair

Pasting his hand over his waves "Um...i'ma be honest, I don't know you caught me off guard."

Shakes her head "I asked if your ready to get going."

"Oh yeah I am, are you?" Stepping aside "let me help you."

"Thank you but you don't have to hold my hand Zac." Fatima said as she lock the door to her house

"I can't help it you know i always gotta making sure you're good."

Making her way towards the car "And i like that."

Zac held the door while Fatima got in his car as she settled in he closed the door and he round the car to the driver side.

in th Car-

On their way to the resturant Fatima was nervous and Zac could tell not only has she been quiet she kept checking her phone.

"Hey you good?" Zac said taking a quick glance over to fatima

"Am...yeah." Fatima says playing with her nails

"You nervous I haven't heard a word from you since we left your place."

"Kind of, the last time I been on a date was with my ex and that was the beginning of our relationship."

"Fatima you serious, if you don't mind me asking how long was yall relationship?"

"We were together for about five years."

"And your telling me that he never took you out to eat or just do something nice for you?" Zac asked glancing over at Fatima when he spoke

"When we just started dating he would take me out on dates most of the time it would be random dates to do something of my choice but then his real side started to show and all the nice shit just stopped." Fatima said looking straight ahead 

"That's crazy. the nigga lost something really special, just talking to you I could tell that your a really nice person and If I haven't told you enough i'ma tell you again your very beautiful so for him to fumble that bag is his lost and my gain." Zac says looking at Fatima as he stooped at a red light

Smile "And how is that your gain." She says looking over at Zac

"You think i'ma just start talking to you and never shoot my shot giving another nigga a chance to come and take my spot."

"How are you so sure that you won't miss your shot, after all you don't know if i'm ready for a relationship."

Making eye contact "fear enough but trust me i never miss especially if it's something i really want." He replied.

Fatima just sat quiet in the passenger seat, she loves Zac's self confidence and the way he never gives up because she knows for a fact that she plays hard to get and that didn't stop him from still tryna go after her.

At The Restaurant-

Zac found a parking spot infront of the restaurant which he thought was perfect because he didn't want to park his car far.

Getting out of the car Zac made his way over to Fatima's side to help her out. When she got out he locked his car and they both made their way into the restaurant.

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