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The girls landed back in Atlanta, A car was already waiting outside of the airport for them both. Majority of the flight Lori was asleep, Fatima spend most of her time sleeping on vacation so she was up on the plane reading the entire time.

"I'm going to get something to eat I'll probably hit target when I reach home".

"Right, I know I have to clean out my refrigerator and restock but I can't do that now because I'm not going to be home for a while".

"I can clean it out for you while your gone but when you come back home you'll have to restock it".

"You don't have to do that I can do it when I return".

"It's not a big problem I already have a keys and your living right round the corner from me".

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, don't ask again because I won't do it anymore".

"Okay im definitely not going to ask again".

Laughs, "I know that".

When the both got dropped off home Fatima stopped off at Lori's house because her house is not to far away.

They both said their goodbyes and went on about their business. As Fatima got to her house she wasted no time unpacking, having some time to spare she wanted to do some laundry because she had a pile of clothes to wash.

For the time being Fatima went and took a shower. After that she called Marilyn to tell her that she was on her way which she wasn't, Finishing up all with her laundry Fatima repacked her bags and left out through the door.

In The Car

In Coming call...

"Hey mom," Fatima said as she placed her phone on the phone holder 

"Hey baby, you back home?"

"Yeah I just got back but now I'm about to be gone again".

Looking at the phone "Where you heading to this time".

"Amm.. I'm going to spend some time with Marilyn".

"Okay you coming back home tonight or tomorrow?"

"Mom i don't know when im coming back, I'ma stay with her for a while we ain't been again each other in years".

"I get that sweetie, you two were really close but you just got back from vacation and I haven't seen you yet".

"Your seeing me now and I'll be back its not like I'm moving in with her the whole time".

"Okay i still feel like you could have came and see your mother".

"I'm sorry but you'll be the first person I see when I get back".

"I hope so, sweetie I gotta get going I have a client coming in".

"Bye, have a good day I love you".

"I love you too sweetie".

After getting off the phone Fatima connected her phone to her car and started playing her playlist being that she had a long drive ahead of her she needed something to settle her mind.

*Forty-five Minutes Later*

In Coming Called...

Answer, "Damn a bitch can't drive in peace".

"Girl I'm just calling to see where you at you have no reason to be shouting".

"Well im on my way".

"I should make your ass stand outside when you get here since you have a attitude".

"Can I go back to listening to my music and driving without being disrupted".

"Get the fuck off my phone Mariah before you piss me off".

*Hangs Up*



Fatima turns back to her music and plays it even louder, being just five minutes away from Marilyn house Fatima prepared herself for what's to come.

When pulling up in the driveway Tommy was just making his way out the door.

"Fatima is that really you?"

"No Tommy your seeing a ghost, of course it's me" Fatima said closing to door to her jeep

Tommy laughs, "Still the old Fatima huh, I ain't seen you in a long time"

"I've been busy I finally got some time on my hand so I came to see my cousin".

"That's nice, lemme help you with your bag".

"It's okay i didn't bring much it's only one bag".

"Okay well I'll take that inside for you" Tommy said taking the bag out of Fatima's backseat 

"Thanks Tommy" Fatima said as she lock the doors

They both walked into a nice quiet house, if it was your first time visiting you would think no one lives there.

"She's in her room,  i'll call her out for you."

"No i'll go, can you put my bag in the guest room."

In Her Room 

"Look who's here," Madam said as she sees Fatima open the door 

"Yes i'm here, you been calling down my phone like if  i'm your man."

"Girl don't be so dramatic i called you two times just for confirmation, nothing more, your ass even had the damn nerves to hang up on me".

"I need a little peace, mama called me then you called when I was listening to my music".

"Well I didn't know you were listen to music so that's not my fault".

"Anyways, what are you doing home," Fatima asked taking a seat at the end of madam's bed 

"I had to handle some business".

"So if Tommy is now leaving then who's running the club".

"Blue is". Madam responded 

"Who the fuck is blue".

"Fatima you meet her twice so you know who it is".

"Okay I probably do but don't remember right now".

"You do, when I go to the club tonight you'll remember her".

"The club. I just got here I don't feel like going to a club already I'm not in the mood for that right now".

"Key word you said your not in the mood for that right now, we're not going right now we're going later".


"Since when you don't wanna go to the club with me, matter fact what's going on with you why did you come to stay with me?"

"I really don't wanna go thru the whole thing again so i'ma keep this short, basically hakim and I are no longer together I got pregnant been in the hospital and, well— don't have a baby with me".

Lost for words "Come again all this happened and nobody felt the need to tell me, where was this nigga when you where in the hospital?". Madam ask as she gets up from laying down

"I was pregnant and came home to him in our bed with kayla I blackout and started going off, all I remember is I was on her and he pushed me off her, when he did that I must've have passed out because when I got up they were gone".

"This motherfucker know you were pregnant and still put his hand on you for another bitch"

"Yeah after I drove to her house and we got into it again and Ni left to go home next thing you know I was in a accident".

"Yeah somebody gotta pay, I need answers and I'm gone get them one way or another". Madam said as she got out of bed 

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