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*At Junior's Pizza*

"Is it good Yoni." Zac asked taking a bite of the same pizza

"Daddy is the same as always." Xayoni says stuffing her face

"I was just asking baby, you know that food could taste different on different days."

"No it can't daddy they follow the same recipe all the time."

"It's not the same chef everyday baby some people cook differently from others that's why I asked."

Shrugged her shoulders "It's the same to me."

"Okay, Can daddy ask you something."

Shakes her head "Yes."

"Remember daddy told you lastnight that i had to go somewhere right?"

"Mhmm" Xayoni says picking up her cup to drink her juice 

"Well i'm about to tell you something and i want you to be honest with how you feel about it okay."

Shakes her head "Okay."

"I took a beautiful lady on a date lastnight-"

"Daddy you said that you wasn't going out with meany anymore." Yoni says getting upset

"That's not who i went on a date with, I mean't it when I said I'm not bring anyone around you that's treating you bad and have you upset, Trust me I know you don't like Natalie and i'll never bring her around you again so you don't have to get upset It's not her."

"Aunty Kiya said it's okay not to like her and that she a mean bitch."

Chokes on his food "You really gotta stop repeating everything somebody says Yoni. Aunty Zakiya is right about not having to like her but cursing is not for kids and bitch is not a very nice word understand."

"I was just telling you what Aunty Kiya said I didn't mean to use a bad word."

"It's okay baby but daddy meet someone new It's not Natalie and she's very nice."

"You said Natalie was nice but she was mean to me."

"And that was my fault I thought she was a nice person and she showed her true colours."

"What are true colours."Xayoni asked 

"It's when someone shows you who they really are."Zac says swiping his hand. "Anyways I just wanna know are you okay with daddy dating again."

"Hmm a little I don't want to meet anymore of your mean friends."

"Yoni have I ever lied to you."


"Okay well I promise this time she's not mean and I think that you guy's would get along well, it doesn't mean you guy's have to meet now whenever you feel like your ready just let me know."

Shaking her head "I Don't want to meet her."

"Okay and that's fine with me."Zac said with a soft smile on his face

Zac always likes to hear how Xayoni feels, Xayoni is a very outspoken four year old she is going to tell Zac how she feels even if he wants to hear it or not, hearing that Xayoni doesn't even want to hear about Fatima or meet her makes him feel bad.

When Zac first meet Natalie he never told her about Xayoni up until three months of dating, when he finally thought it was time he reveal to her that he had a daughter she seem to be okay with it at first but as time past and she started being around her things changed quickly meaning that she would yell at Xayoni when Zac's not close by, she didn't want to be at Zac's house because Xayoni would be there anything that included his daughter she wanted no parts of.

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