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"You took a day off." Zakiya asked realizing what time it is 

"Something like that, I went to the office but it was just to finish up some paper work and that's it."

"Since when are you taking days off you never leave work early unless it's urgent and something happened to Xayoni."

"Well for starter I got alot to do today I have to get fitted for a suit. Fatima told me to take you so that you can pick out a outfit for Yoni."

Strikes a look at him "Who's the hell is Fatima?"

Laughs "That's my Lady."

"Who? the girl from your date that you were suppose to tell me about."

"I haven't told you because like you said I've been working."

"Exactly, but we got time now so go ahead fill me in."

Shaking his head "We met on business terms when I decided to do over my billboard look-"

"Wasn't you with miss girl at that time."

"I was but i only worked with her because of toni and Bianca, They said that they loved her work ethic and that she is very hard work-"

"So basically when y'all meet you end up liking her."

"If you would listen and stop cutting me off everytime maybe I'll be finish by now."

Laughs "My bad I was just trying to help you out you moving to slow for me."

"You know i'm not even like that anymore,  Yes i thought to myself that Fatima is a very beautiful women but i never acted on it and as much as Natalie ass give me a headache I respected our relationship."

"Good thing your you and not me the bitch would have been gone."

"See all that cursing that comes out your mouth you gotta fix that because you got Yoni repeating stuff like that."

"That's not me i don't even use that kind of language around xay matter fact she can't even hear me right now that girl is knocked out." Zakiya says looking back at Xayoni

"Oh so your not the one that told her that Natalie was a mean bitch."

"Shit yeah that was me but that's because she pissed me off you know I don't play about my niece."

"I know but I don't want the to go repeating stuff at school like it's something okay to do."

"I understand i'ma try my best because you know people piss me off."

"Anyways, I meet her and she was really nice Exactly how Toni and bianca describe her to be and i notice that when she wasn't feeling well and still push to do my shoot. A month after that was when Natalie and i called it quits so I reached out to her to be my photographer for the magazine shoot and i'ma be honest i was flirting all the way."

"She was playing hard to get but you know nobody can't past up on your brother i just kept talking to her and eventually asked to take her on a date now that's my women.

"Aww yall sound cute I wanna meet her."

"You just nosey."

"I am not she sounds really nice so I would like to meet who my brother is dealing with."

"Unfortunately you won't get to meet her unless Xayoni is ready or we end up in the same place at the same time."

"Oh so xay doesn't wanna meet her."

"We spoke and she said she wasn't ready."

"Okay, I'm happy for you now I know why spend less time at our place."

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