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When Kimberly got back to the hospital she hop out of she car and rushed inside to Fatima room hoping that lori didn't say anything . 

"Hey mama thank you." Fatima said now relax 

"What are you thanking me for hunny?" Kimberly asked mostly confuse 

"For getting to Lori before she could do anything she might regret."

Looks at Lori "Of course baby, Amm how are you feeling."

"I'm feeling fine the doctor just came and checked me."

"Okay was there any news that i should know about."

"Baby she's fine, there is nothing to worry about our daughter is a fighter." Dean said wrapping his hands around Fatima and placing a kiss on her forehead 

Fatima did a soft smile "Lori are you okay i hope your not still mad about earlier" Fatima said now giving all her attention to her bestfriend 

Smiling back to Fatima "I'm fine never been better i just hope your working on getting better"

"I don't have a choice my business needs me i can't stay in a bed all day"

Pissed "What? Tima, your business is just fine it's up and running noting is going to happen"

"I know that, you know i can't stay still i love working and i worked so hard to build that building and start my business"

"Yeah i know it's gonna be hard for you but right now lets focus on getting better physically and mentally"

Fatima didn't say word she just adjust her self in bed and laid back  

That same day the doctor came to check and make sure Fatima was doing good, she informed her that she can only eat liquid stuff until her body can handle solid food  


It's Wednesday and Fatima is being release from the hospital she has been there since the accident which occurred Friday.

"Hunny you ready."

"Yes, i'm ready to get out of here."

"I'll go take your bags down to the car while you guys finish up." dean said grabbing Fatima's stuff 

"I had your sister fix your old room for you." Kimberly said helping Fatima get to the end of the bed 

Watches her mother "Why would she be fixing my old room."

"Because your coming home i'm not about to let you go back to that house."

"Mom i'm finally out of the hospital i just wanna go home"

"And you are, just not at your house your coming home with us"

"I'm not a child anymore you can't keep making decision for me i don't wanna be cooped up in a room all day not being able to do anything for myself" Fatima said getting frustrated 

"Well your not in the position to be making any decision considering your on bed rest" Kimberly said slightly raising her voice 

"Okay but when i'm able to get up and start walking i'll be looking for a new place"

"That's fine with me, look hunny i understand this is hard for you you've turned your self into a workaholic and your always on the go so laying here is driving you crazy but this is serious you can't be miss independent all the time let us help you"

Tears escape Fatima's eyes making it's way down her cheek "Mummy i can't do this"

"Don't say that baby yes you can you've already started making progress the first step was getting heathy enough so that you can come out of here and you made that happen"

Walking in the door "Oh Sorry, i just came to get your signature if you would like i can come back"

"No it's okay i could sign it now" Fatima said wiping her tears 

Kimberly just stood their and watch her daughter, growing up Fatima was always the strong one she never let her family see her crying because she consider that being weak so she has always been strong for them but right now she is going through a lot and in very emotional state as much and she is trying to hold back she can't 

"Well that's it your free to go, remember to stay in bed." The doctor said leaving out her room  

"Thank you and i will try."

"Before we go baby i just wanna say this you've never been the type to give up so don't give up now let whatever hurt you have inside out it's doesn't make you weak if you cry Fatima. We are family and we will always be here for you you can depend on us for anything."

"I know that mom thanks for everything you and dad been doing for me."

"There isn't anything we will not do for our kids we love y'all hunny."

"I love you guys too."

Kimberly bends down and hugs her daughter "Let's get you home."


Pulling up to the house both Dawson and Karia made their way outside to help their parents, Karia left work early so she could see her sister she has only been to the hospital to see her once being that Fatima doesn't like being the center of attention she didn't want to crowd her Karia did call everyday to make sure she was okay.

Dawson on the other hand has been at his parents house he came back a couple days ago and since being back he has seen Fatima the whole time she's being in the hospital which is unknown to her because every time he came she was asleep. 

Travis has been busy, right now he is away on a business trip he has his street friends on the look out for hakim even though he has been busy he never to busy for his sister he has called her just to hear how she is, he even talked to her but strictly keeping the conversation on anything but her being in the hospital. 

"If it isn't my little sister Fatima Wilson" Dawson said opening her door   

"Boy stop saying that people might just believe the stupid shit coming out of your mouth"

"See mom i told you both your daughters mouth are filthy they talk like they don't got no training"

"Tyler stop playing with me you knew i would have cursed you that's why you said that"

"No need to use the middle name it's not that serious"

"Okay wanna be saint, acting like you don't be cursing move out the way so i can see my sister"

"Kaira move your short ass-"

"Hmhm who has a filthy mouth now, be a man and go help dad with the bags" Karia said laughing at her brother 

"Please don't do that again y'all gone have me on bed rest for a long time" Fatima said trying to contain her laugh 

After getting everything inside and Fatima comfortable everybody went about their day which is what Fatima wanted, later on after dinner the family got together to enjoy some family time and watch a movie which was something they always did as a family but they haven't did it in a long time since everyone is older and living on their own.

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