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Walks in "Hey baby your father is here"

"Mom can you please go stop her" Fatima said crying franticly 

"Hunny i need you to calm down, stop who?"

"Lori, she is about to go to kayla's house and i don't want her to do something she will regret" fatima responed

"Your friend kayla? why would she be going to her house?" Kimberly Asked very confuse 

"Mama it's a long story just please stop her"

"I'll go hunny your dad will stay with you please try to relax everything will be okay"


Lori's pov

"I know for sure kayla ain't telling me everything and something tells me she played a big role in this mess." Lori thought to herself.

Lori felt like it was her responsibility to find out what happened to fatima, she thought that fatima wasn't in the right mind after everything that had happened to her.

"hakim did it, but why would kayla be apologizing 'if' she had nothing to do with it too?" Lori questioned out loud as she walks around her bedroom picking up her necessaries. The first thing she grab was her brass knuckles, one that fatima gave her as a bestfriend gift.

Lori drove to kayla's house, when she pull up in front her house she saw two cars. She had an idea it was hakim because of the car he had, by now she was completely sure about what happened to fatima.

She parked a block away from the house and place the brass knuckles on her fingers and started walking up to kayla's door, "out of all the men in the world kayla, your friends boyfriend? really." She said out loud as she walked onto kayla's property.

She rang the doorbell and waited, she heard a voice, "coming!"

The door opened and lori hid her hands where kayla couldn't see it, "what happened to your nose kay?" Lori asked having an idea of what may have happened.

"Uh hi lori, i fell and end up hitting my nose." 

Lori hummed and turned her back to kayla who was standing in the door way scared for her life, playing with the brass knuckles on her hand and thinking about how they did her bestfriend dirty 

Lori swung her hand connecting it with lori face all that could be heard in the moment was a crack when she hit kayla in her nose, "It looks like my bestfriend couldn't finish the job so i'm here to complete it."

At the same time hakim ran out into kayla's entrance room, shock written all over his face. Lori looked away from kayla and to hakim, "You too boy," lori said walking to him, "ion know what Ti saw in you, but when i'm done with two of you ima make sure your both unrecognizable." Lori finished.

Kayla stumbled to the side if the doorway, holding her nose which is now broken badly due to getting hit two times, her eyes watering from the familiar pain. Lori took advantage of the little space by the doorway and walked in the house as if she owned the place.

She walked up to hakim grabbing the vase kayla had on her nesting table, hakim slowly backs away, "aye aye, you know i can make sure kay sues you for this." He said trying to stand his ground.

"Hakim your fucked up ass should know i give zero fucks, you would say anything to get out of trouble but not this time." Lori said

Hakims eyes went to kayla who was sneaking up on lori, she had her phone in her hand getting ready to use it as her weapon.

Hakims eyes snap back to loris trying to not be too obvious, lori's eyebrow raised as confusion took over her features. 

"I almost forgot about kayla." Lori thought, getting ready to go back to kayla, she whipped around to see kayla not to far behind her hitting her one forceful punch in her stomach unexpectedly.

Lori gasped at how close kayla was to her while kayla began clutching her abdomen,  kayla crying out at the sudden feeling.

"Always knew you were just bark and no bite, can even fight a person in a fair fight gotta sneak up on them." Lori stated, hearing foot steps behind her she turned and saw hakim running out the back door.

"Just like a girl, you see kayla this what happens when you go behind your friends back." Lori began kicking kayla,

"What got into you? Ti did nothing but treated you like a sister, we all went to school together." Kayla groaned at every kick that kept getting more and more fast.

"Huh?" Lori asked grabbing kayla by her collar, kayla nose was leaking and purple spots covered her skin from all the kicks.

Kayla gave a lopsided smile to lori, only pissing her off more, "She wasn't treating him right so he went and found it somewhere else." She said, lori not being able to hold back anymore she grab to vase and hit lori in the head.

Eventually blood started to run down down the side of kayla's face.

Coming into the door way "Lori what did you do." Kimberly asked seeing to the horrific screen infront of her 

"They did that to her, it's their fault she's in a hospital bed!" Lori cried out in pain 

"Come on lori you've been here to long, was anyone else here when you came?" Kimberly asked 

"Yes hakim was here but he ran off."

"Okay we can handle him, Let me just check to see if she is still breathing you can go back to the hospital fatima is going to be asking for you."

"Ms K i'm not leaving you here alone what if he comes back."

Tapping her waist "don't worry about me hunny i'll be just fine i'm right behind you it's not gonna take long."

"You sure?" 

"Yes i'm just making sure your straight i'll meet you at the hospital now go lori."


Lori walked down to where she parked and jumped into her jeep and pulled off. While being in the house Kimberly check to to see if Kayla was breathing and she was grabbing some groves out of her pocket and placing them on her hands. 

She closes the front door locking it so that no one can just walk in, trying not to make a mess she looked around to house to make sure there were no cameras and that lori left no evidence behind that could incriminate her after scanning the place and finding nothing she left out. 

Sitting in the car she pulled out her phone and called the ambulance giving them kayla's address then ending to call and making her way back to the hospital. 

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