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When Lori caught up to Fatima you can see on her face that she was clearly upset with what just transpired.

Out of breath "Damn bitch you don't have to walk that fast " Lori said walking besides Fatima

"Sorry I thought you were behind me"

"No I had to let him know that he can't be doing no shit like that and he did apologize he asked me to tell you that he was sorry".

"Sorry next time he would know not to do no dumb shit like that to another girl".

"Yeah he said he was just trying to talk to you".

"It has so many other ways to get my attention grabbing my hand is not the best option".

Laughing "You was ready to hurt that man he saw his life flash before his eyes".

Holding back her Laughter "It's not funny".

"Replaying how his face was it kind of is funny".

"I'm ready to go back to my room I had enough drinks, let's call it a night".

"Same for once I'm tired".

"It's probably because you been wanting to be in everything".

"Yeah maybe but we on vacation you can never do to much it always have something for you to do or somewhere to go".

"I can't argue with you on that one cause it's true".

Walking and talking Fatima and Lori took to elevator to go up the their floor, when reaching there they both went their separate ways which is to their rooms that's facing each other.

When Fatima got to her room she took the phone out of her purse and sat on the bed then texted her cousin


Hey cousin

read 10:30 pm


Incoming Call...

"How you gone send me a middle finger then call me". Fatima said propping up her phone to remove her makeup

"I don't give a fuck your ass choose to text me out of the blue knowing you don't call me".

"Don't lie I call to talk to you all the time you just never answer".

"And bitch when i miss the call you don't even call back to see if you will get me you just call it a day".

"Okay you can stop being mad at me because I'm coming to stay with you".

Screwing up her face "why?"

"You will find out when I get there".

"Oh shit that motherfucker fucked up didn't he".

"I'm surprise mom didn't go telling the family my business before I could".

"Exactly cause if someone was fucking with you I would have known by now and they would no longer be here".

Laughs "That's true".

"Okay I got somethings to do when will you be coming".

"I'm in Cuba right now I'm supposed to be coming back tomorrow so I'll go home and repack my bag then i'll be at your place".

"Ou so you on vacation right now, who you with?".

"I'm with Lori". 

"Oh so that means your single or he just felt like letting you go on vacation".

"I told you I would tell you everything when I come see you so stop asking".

"Damn okay, let me get off this phone before you start going off on me".

"Bye, I'm gonna take a shower and go to bed".

"Bye, When your on your way call me".


Call End

When the call ended Fatima walked to the nightstand and placed her phone on the charger afterwards she processed to make her way to the bathroom to shower.

Getting out of the shower she walked to her room took her lotion and started to lotion her skin when she was all done Fatima started putting on her clothes that she placed on the bed before going the shower.

Putting on a oversize t-shirt and some shorts she then pulled back the covers on the bed and got in, checking her phone before going to sleep.

The Next Day

"Did you eat something" Lori asked as she rolled in her bag into Fatima's room 

"Yes I did, I'm not about to be starving on a plane" Fatima said putting away her makeup she just used  

"I'll get something at the airport because I was to tired I couldn't open my eyes".

"You look like your hangover when we both had the same amount of drinks".

"That's because I had one more than you".

"No your a lightweight all these years and you still can't drink more than me without throwing up or sick the next morning ".

"Bitch you get sick sometimes to don't make it sound like I can't drink".

"I do get sick but that's when I go overboard and start going wild not over four drinks like you".

"Leave me alone i'm ready to be on my way home".

"Okay let's go I've got everything packed up and ready".

"Wait did you call Marilyn yet?"

"You better not let her hear you calling her by her name".

"What did her mama give her that name for if she doesn't like anyone calling her by it".

"I call her by her name and our family does the same except some of them".

Laughs " You mean except her sister and the ones she don't fuck with".


"I always call her by her name she never liked it though remember when she wanted to beat my ass when we were nineteen because I called her by her name". Lori said as she held the door for Fatima to past out with their bags

"Exactly so you should stop doing that because I wouldn't be able to help you this time".

"Okay but I'll get a name for her because not calling her that shit".

"That's on you".

They both left to go down to the lobby to checkout when they got down there they checked out and left to catch their flight.


Should I do a POV on Zac because I might be more focus on him in the next chapter or it might just be about Fatima and her family until.

Just so you could get a idea of who Zac is and learn a little about him.

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