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Since being home Fatima has felt more comfortable with the fact she was no longer trapped in her small hospital room, her bedroom at her parents house wasn't large but it was big enough for Fatima to satisfied with the size.

all though she was on bed rest she felt like everything was normal and the accident didn't happen it was mostly because no one bothered her to talk anymore and also because she had gotten a new phone.

Her mom would do now and then visit to help her do everyday activities like help to the bathroom when she needs to. The doctor also advice Fatima when she is at home to walk around so it can help keep muscles from weakening.

It was one in the afternoon and Fatima as scrolling instagram until she got a message from Lori.


 Hey ti how's everything?

 Everyday the same so i don't know what to tell you.

 Oh, well can i come over then? you know to
hang out like we used to

Lori your ass give my mama a headache

Still let me come over so that means i wasn't
that bad 

Hate to hurt your feeling but that was only
because we are bestfriends

i'm coming over because we gone get to the bottom
of this i'm not believing anything you say 

Lol see you seen then

After she got done texting for about five minutes Fatma sat on her bed staring at her baby pink walls before tears welled up in her eyes, she'd been holding back her feelings for weeks so that she'd look okay and everyone would stop asking her if she's good but now it suddenly came crashing down on her all at the same time. 

tears flowed down her cheeks and dropped onto her covers, it felt like they were never ending and no matter how much she wiped her eyes or tried to take her mind off the thoughts she just kept crying.

a knock sounds at her door, mid way through Fatima had reconsidered and texted Lori telling not to come and told her maybe tomorrow, Lori who was already there so she didn't receive the message. another knock sounds and Fatima ignores it, "Fatima? wake up sleepyhead." Lori called out from the other side of the door. 

slowly the door opened and Lori took a peak in, her eyes widening at the scene before her, fatima on her bed hugging herself while crying into her knees

Lori: Ti, what's wrong?

Fatima: Nothing i texted you telling you to coming tomorrow

fatima said while wiping her wet eyelashes in an attempt to make it look like she weren't crying, she turned away from lori to hide her face

Lori: Why so that i wouldn't see you crying showing emotion like everyone else

Fatima remained silent

Lori: You got to stop shutting down on me Ti, I'm here for you to talk to me that's what a bestfriend is for  

Fatima: How did i get here?

Lori: What do you mean 

Fatima: In collage i was focus on my books boys was the last thing on my mind until i meet him everything went south i allowed a lot of shit to happen i became weak to a lot of shit  

Lori: That's what love does it makes you blind to shit that might be happening you can't blame yourself for that 

Lori strolls over to Fatima and sits on her bed while hugging her. tears welled up in Lori's eyes at seeing and hearing how much this damaged Fatima.

Fatima: The baby, i really thought we would be the most perfect loving family. i- I thought he would be so happy to hear he'll be a father.

Fatima stumbled over her words while Lori rubs her back whispering the words, "let it all out"

Fatima: he didn't even let me know the freaking gender of his own kid, i didn't even get to see my own baby because i was to busy considering his feeling and how felt about us becoming a family, now look at me i lost my baby, he is with my friend and probably enjoy his life while i'm laying in my bed on bed rest. 

Lori: (Acting confuse) Wait what? Who is the friend he is with?

Fatima: Lori you can cut the act you know it's Kayla and i know you did something i just don't know what it is yet.

Lori: (Shocked) Huh?

Fatima: Just like you said Lori i'm your bestfriend i know when your not okay or if your lying you were clearly lying in the hospital. 

Lori: So why didn't you say anything.  

Fatima: Because whatever you did was already done and if mom was there with you that means you will be okay. 

Lori: I'm sorry i had to beat the bitch ass, the only way i found out was because she called me to apologize. when i told you at the hospital that i was going to get something to eat that's when i got the call.   

Fatima: (Laughs) Wait so who got to Kayla's place first? 

Lori: I did and he was there but when i started going off he ran out the door. 

Fatima: He felt her there?

Lori: Yes, you know he is a good for nothing ass nigga, But i can't blame him cause if he did stay his ass wouldn't be alive now 

Fatima: Is the bitch okay?

Lori: I don't know Mrs. Wilson told me to leave, i hope she ain't with her nasty ass 

Fatima: Yeah

Lori: I still don't know how she could do something like that to you, you give that girl so many opportunities even helped her get a spot for her studio you never did this girl wrong 

Fatima: I guess that's what being nice and a good friend gets you.

Lori: Don't say that cause not everyone is like her having a good heart is not a bad thing and that's one thing i like about you 

Fatima: Okay enough about them how are things at the studio. 

Lori: It's been great tomorrow it's suppose to be every busy. 

Fatima: That's nice since i can't be there i'll have D go get my laptop so i can at least do something in this bed.  

Lori: Yeah that would easy your mind a little

The day goes on and Fatima and Lori just talked like they haven't seen each other in years Kimberly came upstairs to check on Fatima and the topic was brought up from earlier which Kimberly said she has always loved Lori, she was just a wild child so sometime she did give her a headache but she is like a daughter to her   

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