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Fatima still haven't said a word, she just kept her head down while eating her food. Zac on the other hand was  on the edge of his seat.

He didn't know how she would react and considering how she haven't said anything Zac felt like this was their last date and last time talking to each other.

"Can you say something a nigga sweating over here" Zac said moving his plate aside 

Fatima just laughed 

Confused "What you laughing at?"Zac says

"Okay." Fatima simply replied 

"Okay? what do mean okay." 

"Like i said Zac, I love kids and i have no problem with you having a daughter I can't do anything about that."

Relief "So why didn't you say something when I first told you."

"Because it was obvious that you were nervous to tell me in the first place so I wanted to make you more nervous, I also was a bit shocked when you told because you don't look like you have a kid."

"That's because I'm the fresh dad I ain't no old man." Zac said finally putting a smile back on his face 

"Boy shut up, there is something i would like to set straight i hope there is no baby mama drama because I ain't the type to be playing games with nobody."

"Nah we good on my side, I won't put you through that at all."

Smile "Okay then we good, you can continue eating I don't know why you stopped in the first place."

"I lost my appetite you had a nigga in distress when you ain't answer me so I couldn't even start eating."

"You can stop worrying now whatever it is you thought I was about to do I'm not." Fatima says 

Shake his head and smile "You really different."

Tilt her head "What do you mean by I'm different."

"Your just different from the women I've talked to."

"And how many women have you talked to? it sure sounds like you've talked to alot."

"I had my fair share of women but that's no longer who i am."

"Okay so why am I different."

"You intrigue me alot, i love the way you carry yourself but it's not just that alone i just feel like I can be myself with you and we haven't even known each other for that long not to mention that beautiful smile you wear on your face whenever something is funny or your happy."

Does a soft smile "little ol' me got you feeling like that."

Laughs "Oh you funny but you do have me feeling like that." Zac says licking his lips 

"Don't do that." Fatima says rolling her eyes

"Do what? I don't know what you talking about." Zac says with a smirk on his face


The waiter came to Zac and Fatima's table. Fatima was most definitely ready for her dessert so she ordered herself a slice of blueberry cheesecake while Zac got himself a Salted Carmel butterscotch blondie.

After a few minutes the waiter returned with both of their desserts.

Sticking her fork in her cheesecake"Carmel is so boring" Fatima says teasing Zac

"Your one to talk you ordered something simple with blueberries on top."

"Maybe I'm a simple women who like simple things."

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