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"As of right now i think it's what's best" Lori said 

"I feel like that's somewhere I can let go some anger I still have build up."

"What can I say if that's what you want then so be it."

"I don't want you to feel like I've abandon you or my business because that's not what I'm doing I just know I'm not ready yet". Fatima said as she takes a drink of her water 

"Don't say that because that's not how I feel being that you went trought something so traumatic I don't expect you to be up and ready to get back to work".

"Are you planning on telling your perants".

"Yes because you know if I just disappear they are going to be doing the most and have people looking for me like if i was kidnapped".

Laughs "don't make it sound like that they just love their kids that's all, I feel like they will be okay with it considering your going to stay with family".

"Yeah, i just feel like my mom is a bit worried about me I don't think she would be down my back about.


Back In Atlanta 

"Hi I'm here to see kayla Oakley".Kimberly said as she walks up to the front desk

"Who are you to her if you don't mind me asking" The receptionist asked 

"Oh I'm her aunt" Kimberly said with no hesitation 

"Finally nobody has been here to she her since she arrived at the hospital".

"Really nobody came to see her". Kimberly said a bit surprised 

"No, your the first I'm just happy that there is someone that cares for her".

Does a fake smile "Yeah, can you show me to her room if you don't mind".

"Of course ma'ma I'll need you to sign in right here first".

"No problem" Kimberly said as she writes a fake name

"Thank you now come this way so I can show you to her room".

Kayla's Hospital Room

"I'll leave you to it if you do need anything you can just call a nurse and she will be with you".

"I won't be long but thanks". Kimberly said before walking into the room

While being in kayla's room Kimberly just walked around she wasn't really there to see her just to find out information but at the same time she didn't want it to look fishy, as she turns around the see kayla she realise that her belly was bloated with a round shape.

She just stand their staring at kayla's body not once seeing any movement she was also confused to how could she be pregnant because when Kimberly arrived at the scene after Lori beat kayla badly, she was in bad shape not wanting to stick around anymore she walked out of the room to get answers because she needed to find out whats going on.

Walking up to a nurse "Am can I please be filled in on what's going on with my niece.

"Oh hi ma'ma im not to such who your niece is but if you give me her name i can go find her files".

"Sorry its Kayla Oakley".

"Okay i'll go get her files and i'll be right back with you".

Kimberly walked back into kayla's room so she wouldn't just be standing in the hallway.

Walking into the room "So Kayla Oakley 24 year old is currently in a coma and is four months pregnant we have been keeping eyes on her and she seems to be doing grate our only concern is one of the babies are growing a little slower than the oth-

"Huh babies how much is there".

"Oh I forgot to mention your niece is pregnant with twins".

"And nobody has been her to see her since".

"Not that I know of".

"How could she be pregnant" Kimberly said thinking out loud 

Nurse turns and watches her "I mean the nurse said she was beaten badly so I wasn't expecting this at all". Kimberly said quickly recovering from what she said 

"She was but she was able to save her and the babies being that she is in a coma when the time comes she would have to get a cesarean if she doesn't wake up in time".

"Okay if you don't mind I have to get going im late for work I'll call her mother and have her come down here".

"Oh sure, we have to check on her now anyways".


Back To Cuba

"Here are your plates ladies I hope you have a wonderful night and enjoy your meals". The waiter said as she place the two plates on the table

"Thank you" Lori replied 

Fatima and Lori sat and enjoyed their meal as they talk about business moving forward for when she returns, after they finished up they had a couple drinks then asked for their check.

As they were looking to leave out the restaurant a guy came from behind a grab Fatima by the hand 

Yanking her hand back "What the fuck is wrong with you".

"Shit my bad I didn't mean to grab you, you were just walking fast". The man said as he stands face to face with Fatima 

"Don't ever touch me again!, what the fuck is wrong with you people".Fatima said as she turns and walk off

"Don't you ever do no stupid shit like that again". Lori said as she walks closer to the guy

 Rises his hand in defence"I'm truly sorry I didn't mean to upset you guy's I just wanted to tell your friend that she is really pretty and I would like to get to know her but I guess I already made things bad".

"You don't do stuff like that I'm not sure your ever going to get to talk to her because she is really not looking for anyone and you clearly pissed her off".

"Damn I could never get anything right".

"Better luck next time you lucky there was no weapons close to her you would have surely been hurt tonight". Lori said walking out of the restaurant 

Shouts "Can you please tell her I said sorry".

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