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It's two weeks before Christmas and everyone is in the Christmas spirit Fatima has been at her house for the past two weeks decorating and rearranging a few things in her house.

As she pulled the rug to switch with another one she just purchased, the music stops which let her know someone was calling.

Answer the Phone "Hi Zakiya, is everything good?"

"Ms Ti can I come over to your house?" Yoni says with a shaky voice, on the verge of tears 

"Baby girl what's wrong, your spending time at Gigi's and pops house so that way you can spend Christmas with daddy and I."

"But I miss you I wanna stay at your house." Yoni said as the tears escapes her eyes 

"Can you take the phone to gigi? Lemme talk to her first."

Nods her head 

Five minutes later Yoni hands over the phone to Hazel who was downstairs reading.

"Baby why are you crying and who are you on the phone with?" 

"Hi Mrs. Hazel, its Fatima."

"Oh hi sweetie, let me guess Yoni called you didn't she."

"She did, how'd you know?" 

"Whole time this week she's been fussing nonstop about you, Zac already talked to her and told her that your home and not at his house."

"He did? He never told me anything."

"In his words he said he doesn't want to put her on you cause she's not your responsibility." Mrs Hazel says shaking her head.

"Okay, do mind if i send him to get her."

"Not at all."

"Thank you, can I please speak to Xayoni."

"Here baby the phone is for you." Hazel says passing the phone to Xayoni 

Takes back the phone

"Your dad is about to get off of work I'll have him come get you okay." Xayoni Nods her head

"Can you please stop crying." Fatima continues and she Nods again saying 'mhm'

"No I need you to answer me and not just nod your head."


"Nice, I'll see you in a few minutes. "

Fatima ended the call after speaking to yoni calling Zac right after.

"Hey baby."

"Are you still at the office?"

"Yeah I'm just putting back some f-"

"When your done go pick up Xayoni and bring her to my place."

Confused "Why, what's wrong?" 

"Nothing is wrong Zac just go get her she'll be waiting on you, and yes I already spoke to gigi and she said it's fine."

"But why? She's good by her grandparents."

"If you don't wanna get her I can just go get her myself."

"Can you calm down, where is this attitude towards me coming from."

"Zac I called you to ask you one thing and one thing only and that's to go get Xayoni. Its simple."

"I don't know If I did something or someone got you upset-"

"I need to finish what I'm doing and you keeping me back." Fatima interrupted him.

Rubs his head "I'll go get her."

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