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"I'm ready to go" Fatima says as she made her way to the main area

"Me too, I don't mean to make it sound like that but I got tired of waiting"

"Okay so let's go what you waiting for" Fatima said as she was about to walk out

"Alright now don't have a attitude with me because you know we gone butt head, like always" 

"Marilyn you just said your tired I'm also tired and ready to go"

Throw the keys at her "Well drive bitch" 

"Um, no-no I'm not driving I'm a guest"

Laughs "A guest my ass, last time I check you visited me more than once and by choice"

"Well we both just gonna be sitting in the car then." 

Both Fatima and Marilyn sat in the car because no one wanted to drive. Fatima has always been the petty and stubborn type, when they were younger Marilyn knew not to piss Fatima off because she will always get her get back.

While Sitting in the car and not giving each other any type of attention a Rolls Royce pulled up beside them with fully tented glass paying full attention to what's going on around her Fatima tapped Marilyn on the leg alerting her of the car.

Marilyn grab her gun setting it on her lap, watching the car for anyone that comes out, at the same time her phone starts to ring causing her attention to settle on the caller ID

"Hey daddy, you okay?" Marilyn answered with a slight panic 

"Were you gonna shot your own Father, i can see you even though you can't see me." Marilyn Father says as he gets out of his car

"Now you know that would never happen but I didn't know that was you, you out here driving new cars and shit"

"I just got this baby today, I called Tommy and he said you were at the war zone with fatima when I heard that name I just had to come over" Mr Karter said as he gets out of the car and approach them

"Hey uncle karter, it's nice to see you. How have you been?

"Oh trust me I'm doing well but I should be asking you that question I haven't seen you in so long, you and Marilyn are no longer my babygirls you guy's are so grown now"

"I'm grown but I still like being pampered from time to time." I state

He laughs, "That's the Fatima I remember, always clinging to your daddy and showing uncle middle fingers."

 Smile, knowing I don't remember that at all, Marilyn clears her throat before speaking up, "daddy didn't you come here to see me?" She folds her arms, eyeing us up and down 

I laugh before dramatically putting hair behind my ear with a cocky expression, "Darling you know I'll never leave you out."Marilyn Rolls her eyes

"Well anywho, we gotta go now-now or else i'ma be late for work." Karter nods and we say our goodbye's. 

While on the road a thought pops up and just to piss Marilyn off I voice it, "thought you said you weren't finna drive?" I raised a brow at her and her face instantly drops

Marilyn sucks her teeth and annoyance makes it's way onto her face, "Tima you best shush before I pull this damn car over." I smile, satisfied.


Marilyn was dress formally with black women slacks and a white dress shirt, it would look professional on anyone else but on my cousin she bodied it, like if she owned the streets of Atlanta, in which she does. 

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