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After recieving the news fatima hasn't spoken a word she just sat in her hospital bed and stared at the plain white walls as if in a trance.

"Hunny i'm going to meet your father downstairs and i'll be right back. If you need anything lori is right there" kimberly said before kissing fatimas head and walking to the door 


"It's okay ms. Kim, i got her" Lori reassured looking up from her phone 


Kimberly walked out the room the go meet her husband who is now arriving at the hospital brimg late because he just landed back in atlanta 

"Hey babe, how is she doing?" Dean said placing a kiss on his wife cheek as worry fill him

"I'm not sure she hasn't said a word since the doctor came and checked on her"

"I dont like this, that's my baby girl laying in a hospital bed probably going through hell right now. How am i suppose walk in there and look at her like that"

"I completely understand sitting there and watching her, it just look like our daughter is fading away" Kimberly uttered, the emotion clear in her voice as tears gathered in her eyes

"Come here baby" dean hugs her tightly "Is that boy there?" Dean voiced the word boy with so much vedom

"No, since i been here i he haven't showed up." 

"Til this day i don't know where my baby girl found this boy" deans fists balled as anger consumed him

"Leave my baby alone she's young and just happen to fall in love with his dumbass" kimberly defended

"Anyways let's just focus on her and not a waste of time like him, what did the doctor say before i got here"

"Well when we spoke on the phone i told you that they were taking her into surgery, they said she had a metal lunch in her lower abdomen which had to be removed as so as possible, "dean its a miracal that our baby is okay," kimberly sighed deeply before revealing the last bit of news, "i also found out that we were going to be grandperants"

Tears start to well in his eyes as they widen "What?" Dean said disbelief clear in his tone 

"Yeah" kimberly says as she shakes her head frantically as if not coming to terms with it, small sobs escaping her lips now and then, "It's alot to take in so imagine what our daughter is going through."

"I would like to know who was the other person involve in hurting my baby girl" 

"I got someone on that already." Kimberly states her.



"Do you need anything? Im gonna get sum to eat by the vending muchine."


"Ti, can you please say something it's hurting me seeing you like this, who did this to you? Was it hakim?

Fatima stayed silent as her tears ran down her cheek, her hands covered her mouth to silent her sobs, "Lori i cant, please just give me some time." Fatima voiced as her sobs grew louder

"Ti, please give me a name at least." Lori pleaded at the same time lori's phone vibrated on the couch in the hospital room, causing her to walk over to pick it up.

Lori glanced down at the blank caller id then back up at fatima, gesturing for her to give her a moment, fatima stared at the phone while she wiped her tears.

Lori walks out the room giving fatima the space she needed. She accepted the call and raised the phone to her ear, on the other line she can hear noisy sobs, "hello? Who is this?" Lori asked through the phone.

"Lori?" The shaky voice said through the phone

"Thats me."

"Lori i think you should go and check on fatima The voice pleaded causing lori's to watch her phone confusion then she evenually recognized the voice.

"Kayla? What do you mean check on her did you have something to do with why she is in a hospital bed?" Lori voice practically shouted through the phone, with every passing second the crys on the other line grew louder leaving lori wondering.

"She wasnt suppose to find out like that, And i tried by best to help her, please tell ti that he approached me fir-." Kayla's voice was cut off by lori when she spoke over her,

"Tell me everything that happen now." Lori demanded 

Kayla told lori everything which didn't make things any better, Lori is now out for blood she wants whoever cause pain to her bestfriend and has her laying in a hospital bed 

Kayla told her everything except for who was involve in hurting fatima during the call kayla kept referring to the person as "HE" which didn't work because lori already put two and two together 

Lori ended the call as kayla was about to apologize filled with anger she made her way back into fatima's room 

"He did this to you" Lori said walking up to fatima's bed 

"Lo stop he didn't do anything it was all my fault i was to busy on the phone" fatima said trying to plead with lori

"T, stop kayla just called me and told me everything that happen"

"Please don't do anything stupid"

"He did it fatima and i'm gonna kill him"Lori said storming out of the hospital room 

"Lori n-"

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