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It's been a month now and Fatima is up and doing better after listening to her doctors orders she was able to heal well and start back working, Even though she was allowed to start back working she hasn't yet.

Wasting no time Fatima borrowed her father's car and went house hunting the following week searching for a house just for her Fatima decideds to go all in she had always had her own money she just wanting hakim to man up and be responable she never dipped in her account to use any money Fatima would make it seem like she was behind on rent when she really wasn't.

Looking at a luxcury three bed room house she felt like it was the perfect house for her it had everything she wanted and needed Fatima could now call that place a home, wasting no time she purchase the house and moved in two days after while getting a house she also got her a white jeep Fatima always thought a jeep was a cute car and wanted one.

After moving in Fatima hasn't contacted anyone she told them she want some me time and they respected her wishes since being in her new house Fatima has never left her house just stayed in her room and cry til she couldn't no more.  

Walking into the room "what the hell Tima this place is a mess."

Shocked "how did you get in here?"

"Huh did you forgot that you give me a key to your place."

"I did?"

"See you been cooped up in this house for to long that your forgetting."

"No I haven't." 

"Look at your room you hate seeing clothes on the bed, it's all over the floor!."

Rubbing her head "I know it's bad okay you don't have to remind me."

"When was the last time you seen daylight."

"When I first moved I here."

"Tima get up were getting out of this house go pack so we could get going."

"Huh I was laying here just fine nothing is wrong with me I'm okay."

"If doing nothing is what you call being fine then that's why when hakim ass was sitting around doing nothing you let that shit slide."

"Let's not okay,  I most definitely didn't let it slide."

"Okay well I'm not taking no for an answer so get out of that bed and go shower and pack so we won't miss our flight." Lori said picking Fatima's phone up off the floor 

"Flight! You had this all planned out didn't you?"

"I did I know you would have given me a hard time if I did tell you before hand so I just booked our flight and came to get you." 

"Well cancel it because I ain't going." 

"Girl don't let me drag your ass out of that bed because you know I will."

"Your the worst, why did I give your ass a key." Fatima said dragging her body out of the bed

"Aww thank you and i love you too."Lori says leaving the room

"Shut the fuck up." 

Lori just laughed and shake her head as she walked down stairs to the kitchen to get a snack while Fatima packed and got situated.


"Where are you taking me."

"Don't be asking like if i'm kidnapping you."

"Technically you are, your the one that walked into my house and demanded that i left with you." 

"Clearly you been watching to much of tv because your being so dramatic that's not how it went."

"Okay i'm not taking no for an answer." Fatima said mimicking Lori

"That don't mean anything."

"Okay for real now where are we going anyways."

"It's a surprise Tima you will find out when we get there."

"Or you could just tell me, that way I can be more excited."

Laughs "Why would I do that it wouldn't be a surprise anymore If I told you."

"Whatever I'm tired."

"Tima you been laying in bed all day and you trying to tell me you haven't slept not once."

"I did kind of but it wasn't long after I got up I couldn't go to sleep afterwards."


Making up a lie "I wasn't tired anymore." Fatima said reclining her seat and turning the other way 

Not believing a word she said "Okay."

Lori decided not to push it and just let Fatima be, since she came to get her at her house Fatima been having a attitude towards her and Lori just letting it go because she knows Fatima is not at her best right now. 

On the way to the airport Fatima fell asleep in the car Lori just listen to her music and drove to the airport when they got to the airport dean had someone collect their luggage and went a guided to the pj.

"Damn you got me like this." Fatima said Walking into the jet

"As much as I would love to take the credit this wasn't me you could thank your dad for this one."

"This is nice i'ma call him and tell him thanks." Fatima said admiring the jet

"Mr Wilson got friends in high places I see, I should have gotten me a lawyer dad and judge mama then i would have been moving in style."

Laughs "I'm gonna tell mama Angie you tryna replace her that lady is hard working."

"She is, I never said she wasn't but I ain't never been on a private jet before what was she doing with all that money she got."

"Taking care of your spoiled ass I bet she spend billions in years time."

"And it is very much appreciated you know I love that women more than anything."

"You do mama's girl, since we here are you going to tell me where we going now."

"Fine because your not going to stop asking."

"I won't and we in a pj I definitely want answers now."

Smiling "I know you would like it anyways we heading to Cabo! Bitch."

"Aww you taking me to one of the places I wanted to visit ,you actually listen to me when I just be talking."

"Course I listen I'm your man for the time being until you get someone who is worthy of having your heart." 

"We all know i don't need that right now but thank you so much I love you and I'm sorry for being a bitch to you." Fatima said going in for a hug

"It's okay but let's not forget I'm your bestfriend/sister I always listen to you."

"I choose the right bestfriend."

"You sure did."

After having everything taken care of Fatima and Lori got comfortable while the flight attendance brought them champagne after sometime they were on their way to Cabo.

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