Chapter 8

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"This place is very big." I said as I looked at the gymnasium where the club fair is to be.

"Yeah, it sure is big." Ayanokoji said as he looked at the building.

After today's school ended, Ayanokoji, Horikita and I went to the gymnasium together. I could see almost a 100 students here and I'm sure that all of them were first years. The three of us were at the back as we waited for the fair to start.

Pamplets were given to us when we entered the gymnasium which gave many details about the various clubs.

"I wonder if this school has a particularly famous club. For example… something like a karate club?" Ayanokoji said as he looked around.

"A lot of clubs here seem to be high-leveled. There are a lot of members in a lot of clubs that are nationally known." Horikita said as she looked at the club members.

"That's a given. ANHS is the greatest school in Japan, so they will surely have a lot of members who are nationally known." I said to her as I looked around.

Though I noticed that the school isn't that known for basketball or baseball. And it looked like the students don't take the clubs as a hobby.

If Aogami or the other four were in this school then this schools basketball clubs reputation would skyrocket. Alas, they aren't interested in those kinds of things and considering that the students in the clubs here don't seem to have a passion for the sport I guess it's understandable.

"The facilities are also high quality. Look, they even have oxygen capsules. All the equipment put pro’s equipment to shame. Ah, but it looks like they don’t have a karate club." Ayanokoji said as he looked at the equipment and I have to agree that it is high quality equipment.

"… I see. Why, are you interested in karate?" Horikita asked Ayanokoji after she heard him.

"No, not particularly." Ayanokoji said to her in response.

"I guess you're just a bit interested huh." I said to him to which he nodded.

"But you know, it looks like an inexperienced person will have a hard time joining a sports club. Even if someone made their high school debut, they would be a substitute for an eternity. I don’t think it would be fun." Horikita said to Ayanokoji sharply.

"Isn’t that dependent on the effort they put in? After 1 to 2 years of training, anyone can become good." Ayanokoji said to her in response to her words.

"It also depends on the passion of that person." I said catching the attention of the two.

"What does that mean?" Ayanokoji asked me as he and Horikita looked at me.

"No matter how much a person trains, if they don't truly have a desire or passion for that thing then they won't succeed. That is true for sports and every other thing in the world." I said to them with my default emotionless face.

"Are you by any chance a philosophical person?" Horikita asked me with her usual face.

"No. I don't think I am." I said to her with a raised eyebrow.

"If you say so. But onto that matter which you said Ayanokoji. I didn’t think that the word ‘training’ existed for people who avoid trouble like you." Horikita said before turning to him.

"What does avoiding trouble have to do anything with this?" Ayanokoji asked confused.

"Doesn’t someone who avoids trouble also avoid any sort of manual labor? If you’ve declared that you avoid trouble, you should stick to your word until the very end." Horikita said to him in her usual tone.

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