47.- Relax and surprise

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The day began, a day in which Vol would be working hard to have his defense for the trial that would occur the next day, in a morning in which he woke up later while his companions had to do the corresponding work as the policemammals they were. Even so, he didn't wake up much later than them, since he wanted to have the routine of waking up early because, although things seemed to go wrong, the blue fox was sure that he'd win the trial and continue as a cop. Although he believed so, he shouldn't lower his guard, not even a moment, because if he made a mistake, no matter how small, the plans might go down the drain. But he wasn't getting distracted by whatever could happen, he continued with his smile while his companions had breakfast, since he was stretching.

"Come on, get up already! And you'll keep wandering around for the rest of the day." As always, Nick used his humor to tease Vol.

"Hey, it's not my fault I can't keep working! Shut your maw." The blue vulpine responded frustrated but with a joking tone.

"It could be counted as a day off though." Judy also chimed in jokingly. "In any case, how is your defense going?"

Vol got up and scratched the back of his head. "I'd say I have something, not including evidence that could constitute a crime. Another possibility would be that Ryan shows the marks of Gloria's mistreatment on him, but..." He turned his head to the side. "I don't want to force him if he doesn't want to..."

"Actually..." Judy said once the kangaroo was mentioned. "Yesterday he told us that he'd be able to do it if it's to save you from the sentence. He said that he doesn't like to show those marks again in front of so many mammals, but he's willing to do it for you."

Vol's eyes widened. "R-Really?" The rabbit nodded. "That kid is full of surprises." He smiled and went to get his morning coffee, this time made by Judy.

Although he used the same type of coffee that Vol always used, this time she tried something new that she looked up on the internet. Apparently, she found that star anise, flavored in coffee, could give a feeling of relaxation and take away stress from whoever drank it, so she decided to try it on herself and her partners. As they sipped, they found out that the description wasn't lying: They noticed how their bodies were slightly more relaxed than on other mornings, even knowing that they'd have work to do. A fine morning with a slightly different scent was passing for the three of them, although, unfortunately, Nick and Judy would have to leave to do their shift.

"It's time to go, Nick, or we'll be late." The bunny took what was necessary and went to the door, followed by her partner. "Have fun, Vol. If there's any problem, you can call us and we'll come."

"Fun? I think not too much." The blue fox laughed as he responded to Judy. "I hope the work isn't too hard, I'd like to help you."

"Well, it might not be a bad day after all, for once we don't have to put up with you." Nick continued with his attempt to stir up his counterpart.

"Get out already!" Vol was waving for him to go away, playing along with the joke. "So I don't have to put up with you either."

As they both left, laughter could be heard on their way. Vol was left alone in the apartment where he had already spent a lot of time, and despite his best efforts, he couldn't find another place for him. Even so, he thought that it'd be better to have company in an apartment instead of being alone. On the other paw, the blue fox's stay in the apartment didn't seem to bother Nick and Judy, since they never complained or grimaced. Everything seemed to be going well for now.

Vol got up. "It's time to get to it, I have to have a good defense ready." He told himself with determination filling his body.

He sat in the chair at a small table set up for doing any kind of paperwork, the place Vol had been using the whole time he was preparing for trial. He looked at the paper already filled with his writings for the day that was coming, hoping that it'd be enough to defend himself, but feeling that it was insufficient. He looked at it and thought something was missing.

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