Dearest Vico

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My dearest Vico,

I find myself at a loss for words as I write this letter to you. It is with a heavy heart that I must bid you farewell, for my time in this world is coming to an end. As I face the reality of my impending departure, there are a few things I want to express to you, my beloved brother.

I want you to know that I adore you above anything else. You've been more than just a brother to me; you've been my biggest inspiration, my pillar of support, and my source of strength. We have an unbreakable relationship, and even after I'm gone, it will endure in my heart. Please keep in mind that love has no limits, not even death, and that my love for you will last forever.

You should be able to grieve and experience the anguish of my loss, I want you to be aware of it. It's crucial to give yourself the space and freedom to process your feelings in your own time and in your own way after losing a sibling because it is a deep and life-altering experience. Find comfort in the love of our family and friends, who are also grieving my passing. Lean on one another and take solace in the experiences we have had together.

I want you to carry the lessons I have taught you, even for a brief time, in your heart even though I won't be physically there in your life. Keep in mind the principles that were significant to me, and let them direct you. Be kind to people, lend a hand to those who are in need, and always work to change the world for the better. My darling Vico, you are a lovely and gentle soul. Let your goodness be evident in all you do.

My leaving serves as a reminder to cherish each day and make the most of each moment because life is frail and transient. Follow your dreams with zeal and tenacity. Take chances, push yourself to your limits, and appreciate the beauty that life has to offer. Don't be afraid to make errors since we learn and develop through them. Never let anyone or anything hold you back from living a life that is true to who you are.

Remember that you are never alone most of all. You can always count on the support, advice, and a shoulder to cry on from our family. Respect your relationships with our family members because they will be your source of courage when you need it most.

My time spent with you, Vico, has been a blessing. I am thankful for each and every second, smile, and cry we had together. Please know that even though I must say goodbye, my spirit will always be with you. I'll be there, so look for me in the sky, the soft air, and the calm times.

I've had the honor of witnessing you develop into the remarkably loving, lively boy you are now as your elder sister. As a young guy, I have seen your fortitude, tenacity, and unflinching resolve in the face of difficulties. You have successfully surmounted challenges, and I have no doubt that you will continue to do so despite any new challenges that may arise.

Now, as you go out into the world, keep in mind the principles and wisdom we acquired together. Respect your uniqueness since that is what makes you stand out and shine. Accept change and growth since they are the drivers that will take you to new heights. Additionally, always be genuine to yourself because others will be inspired by and affected by your authenticity.

I will always be your biggest supporter as you walk into the unknown. Despite the fact that physical distance separates us, our link is still unshakable. I'll be here for you no matter where life takes us, to offer support, direction, and my undying love. I'll be here to acknowledge your triumphs and lend a sympathetic ear when things become tough.

The world is waiting for your special talents, aspirations, and contributions, Vidal Constantine. Take chances, seize the opportunities that come your way, and never lose sight of your goals. Keep in mind that success is determined by the lives you touch and the love you share, not only by your outward accomplishments.

Please know that as we part ways, I am incredibly happy for the amazing adventure you have ahead of you and proud of the person you have become. May your adventures in life bring you joy, may you succeed in all that you do, and may you always know that you have an older sister that loves you no matter what.

Promise me one thing, take care of Mommy as you have promised me, and for I cannot do so anymore. I will greet and kiss your Kuya Vidal for you, and I will tell him stories about the short period of time that we had together.

I am immensely sorry for leaving you, without even seeing you grow. Ate Vida is here, always and forever. I will guide you throughout life. Life is hard to face, but I know you can get through as you take after me.

The world is excited to see you shine, Vico. Show them what you are capable of and make Mommy proud.

You will be old enough when you read this, and I am hoping for your understanding of my sudden disappearance in your life.

Mourn with Mommy, do not ever leave her side, do not get angry with her, always make her happy, protect her from all the monsters who will try to hurt and take her.

You are the greatest gift that Mommy has given me, and you always will be. You are the reason why I had to carry on with life for a short time. You became the reason to live life and I am sorry that I had to leave you early.

In whatever you do, always remember that I will always be proud of you. You are my reason to live, my anchor, my light and the most important person in my life.

Take care of the family for me, especially Mommy and my Dad too, your Tito Greggy.

I love you forever, my dearest Vico.

With my eternal love,

your eternal loving older sister, Ate Vida Georgina

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