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Louis pulls up in the car park of a humongous building

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Louis pulls up in the car park of a humongous building.

Jesus Christ, no wonder he's rich.

He owns this building.

He gets out and opens my door before locking the car.

I follow him in through the entrance.

I can't help but notice he looks a little nervous. Worried, maybe? Anxious?

We walk in and the building is so new and modern. It has similar vibes to his apartment.

A few people are walking around the lobby, all looking busy.

A woman working at the front desk looks up and smiles. "Hello, Mr- Oh!"

She's looking at me with an odd expression.

I give her an awkward smile as Louis walks up to her.

"She'll be joining me today."

"Is she a new staff mem-"


Louis seems so mean and bossy in this environment. I mean, he is the boss of everyone here so that makes sense.

"Oh." The woman frowns in confusion. "I hope you don't mind my asking, sir, I know it's none of my business-"

"Spit it out, Lucy."

My head swings up at Louis before I lightly swat him in the arm. "Don't be so rude. Especially to your staff who work for you. Be grateful and have some professionalism."

The background chatter all quiets down around me and I glance around, wondering why, only to see that everyone is staring in our direction with wide eyes.

Oops, guess I'm not meant to talk to him like that.

But, Jesus, some of these people look actually concerned for my safety and well-being. He's not that scary.

Louis looks down at me for a long moment before clearing his throat and saying, "Right. You're right. Sorry, Lucy. I didn't mean to sound...unprofessional."

I smile, satisfied with his apology.

I hear a few gasps from around the room and from Lucy herself. Everyone is still staring like they just saw a mouse beat up an elephant.

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