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I sometimes get distracted easily

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I sometimes get distracted easily.

Actually, I always do.

Like right now, for example, I'm meant to be working, but I saw a little ant crawl across the counter and now I'm trying to get it on a napkin. Why? I have no idea.

Oh, yeah. Louis and I kissed. It definitely hasn't been on my mind constantly and I definitely didn't do a happy dance when I got home and I 100% didn't tell Frankie every single detail.

I've been pretty chill about it, to be honest.

Okay, that was all a lie.

Oh my god, I actually can't believe it. Like, he kissed me. Oh my god, he actually kissed me. It doesn't seem real. I've been so happy and I've had a constant smile on my face. People keep asking me why I'm smiling and giggling and then I just blush and grin even wider.

I've never been so happy.

I check the time and see that my shift is nearly over. I'd love to go hang out with Louis but it was only yesterday that we kissed and he'd probably think I'm needy and clingy.

I just want to see his beautiful face.

"Estelle?" Harry waves a hand in front of my face, making me lose focus on the ant.

"Yeah?" I ask, a smile still on my face.

"Our shift is over, which means we have to discuss why you're so happy whilst we're closing up," he says matter-of-factly.

I just blush again and head over to pack up the tables.

Larry emerges from his office and says, "I'll help you two with closing."

Larry is getting old. Well, he has been old for a while but he's getting older. We try not to overwork him.

"No, that's fine, Larry. We've got this," I smile at him and he glares at me.

"I'm not so old that I can't help wipe some tables."

I give Harry a look and he just shrugs before starting to wipe down the counter.

"So, young lady," Larry starts. "Why've you been so happy today?"

"You noticed that too?" Harry asks.

"I may be somewhat blind but I can still see," Larry says as he points to his glasses.

I try to contain my grin. "It's nothing. I don't want to bore you guys."

"Please," Larry scoffs. "The most exciting thing that goes on in my life is wondering what my husband wants to have for lunch. I need to live vicariously through you."

I laugh. "Okay. Fine. There's this guy-"

"Of course it's a guy." Larry gives Harry an excited look.

"The same guy from Halloween?" Harry walks over to us.

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