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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.


The possibility of her not being in my life is driving me mental. I can't do this. She's going to leave and hate me forever if she finds out that I'm a murderer.

What do we do after we interrogate the bad people? We kill them.

Once we've done our business with them, we kill them.

Stella is the most pure-hearted person I know. She won't handle that. She won't handle being around me.

She cried when she killed a cockroach.

She's going to hate me forever.

"Stella..." I say softly. "Please don't make me do this."

My voice is filled with hurt and it sounds like I'm pleading, which I am.

"How bad could it possibly be, Louis?" She looks scared. Terrified. Worried.

But she also looks sad and that makes my heart break.

The fact that she's looking at me with all those emotions hurts me on a deeper level than I've felt in a long time.

And this was one of the best days I've had and the only Christmas I've celebrated and this is what happens.

"Stella, please let me tell you another time. I promise I will."

"Tell me now, Louis."

"Please, Estelle, we just started this. I don't want it to end already," I plead, feeling hopeless.

Her face drops even more. "Jesus Christ, what is it?"

I swallow and I know that I have to do this, because even if I don't, she'll leave me anyway.


We're interrupted by a knock on the door and Stella swings it open.


He's frozen in a running position, facing the opposite way to the door.

Stella furrows her eyebrows as Vince slowly turns back around. It's then I notice the Christmas-wrapped box right in front of the door with a ribbon and a card.

"Oh, hey guys," Vince says. "Sorry to disturb you. I was just dropping off a gift for you, Estelle, then I was going to leave it there as a surprise."

Estelle sighs. "Thank God you didn't, it would've gotten stolen in five minutes."

He chuckles slightly and then his eyes flick between both of us. "Um, are you guys alright?"

I clench my jaw and look at my shoes as Stella looks at me and then back at him. "Actually, no, Vince. Since Louis hasn't got the guts to tell me, you can."

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