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I bring my twelve-year-old cousin, Chloe over to the full-body length mirror that sits in my room, standing us both in front of it

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I bring my twelve-year-old cousin, Chloe over to the full-body length mirror that sits in my room, standing us both in front of it.

"Chloe, look in the mirror," I say to her, smiling.


"You know what I see?"

Chloe looks at me with a confused expression on her face. "What?"

I look through the mirror. "I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady."

She smiles and my eyes leave my face and go to hers. "Oh, look you're here too!" I quote Tangled.

Her face drops and I laugh, liking how the hope and happiness slowly left her eyes.

Okay, it wasn't that extreme but still funny.

She walks away, rolling her eyes at me.

I love being annoying.

Earlier, I took that test online that shows you what characters you're most like and my top three were Jess Day, Aimee Gibbs, and Luna Lovegood so now my ego is larger than ever.

One of my talents is that I know the barden bella's final performance dance off by heart and there's a video of me dancing to it when I was eleven out there somewhere.

It's Christmas Eve night, and having my family here has been a dream. Thankfully, there haven't been any fights. Yet. You can always count on one.

Since Frankie is the oldest cousin, she was always the one to take us up to a room and keep us busy if the family was yelling at each other.

I love how I can see little traits from all of my family members that they've inherited to me. Grandma will always hide that she's angry until she one day just snaps and goes mental. Grandad gets embarrassed over little things. Mom gets annoyed easily.

All those things I've gotten from them.

I head out into the living room where everyone is sitting. It's nearly midnight and we wanted to stay up so we could say Merry Christmas together and then go straight to bed so we could wake up early.

We all went grocery shopping and got the usual Christmas food for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert, everyone putting in their own money.

Grandma and Grandad will be cooking since they're the only ones who are good at it. though for breakfast, Frankie said she was going to make pancakes. Then we'll have a barbecue for lunch, a bunch of different things like potato salad, prawns, etc. and then we'll have sticky date pudding for dessert.

Everyone put their presents under Frankie and I's tree and we watched some Christmas movies together.

I've asked Louis only to come over for lunch, but I wouldn't be opposed if he stayed over for the rest of the day.

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