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Things have been great with Louis

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Things have been great with Louis.

And by great, I mean even better than when we started out. He's so much more open with me now.

Yes, we're both still closed-off people, but now it's like we fully know each other.

It's amazing.

Is it weird to have a giddy schoolgirl crush on your boyfriend?

It's mid-March, which means my birthday is in less than a month.

I know birthdays are meant to be exciting, but I'm turning twenty. I should be happy about it, but instead, I'm trying to keep myself from having a panic attack.

I want so badly to believe that aging is a beautiful thing, but it isn't.

Every year is a year closer to death and further from your childhood.

I hate growing up.

I've talked to Louis about my stress on this subject, but he doesn't seem to understand. The way he was raised is very different to the way I was raised.

He never really had a childhood. He was more mature at ten than I am now.

Sometimes I think about how different Louis and I are and how shocking it is that we're working out, but then I remember that if we were too alike, it wouldn't work as well as it does.

We balance each other out.

I'm sitting on my floor, sorting through some clothes. I want to get rid of some of them. I have way too many.

Maybe I can sell a few things and make some money. Or I can donate it to people in need.

Okay, I'm definitely donating it to homeless shelters. They need things more than I need money.

Frankie walks into my room, not bothering to knock. "Hey."

"Can you knock?"

"No. That's stupid. Why would I knock?"

"Uh. I don't know." I feign thinking hard. "Maybe privacy. What if I was having sex?"

"Murderer man isn't here so that's unlikely. Unless you're cheating."

I get awkward at the mention of Louis and sex, considering we haven't done that yet.

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