Prologue 2

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Three years later.....

It was the day of your tenth birthday which had been known by Prince Kaveh, so he'd planned to give you a special gift that he'd picked out for you specially with his parent's knowledge. The King had just left on a trip to the Kingdom of Snezhnaya for peace as they'd long been enemies with many bloody wars so he went with a peace treaty to end all the conflict for good. of course his counsel was against the idea and Queen Faranak voiced her worry over his safety, but Prince Kaveh had spoken up that his Father's Idea was for the greater good urging him it was needed, so there'd be no more death. In which he'd gotten praised by the King for his views with his mind being made up so no one else said another word after that meeting in the Throne Room

your mother had made you a special dress to wear today as It was your birthday, she'd been a longtime sewer so It wasn't an issue but she had been worried about how It would fit. but there wasn't a need to worry and Queen Faranak herself praised the purple dress with green and blue

she smiled and touched your head, "It's so lovely, it suits her well"

Neesha smiled and bowed, "Thank you Your Majesty"

Queen Faranak then gestured, "Go on, Kaveh has been waiting for you In the gardens"


she gave you a pat on the shoulder and you then headed off as you held to your dress, all the while your mother looked on while Queen Faranak smiled warmly 

"She and Kaveh...are quite the pair of friends, one could almost feel they may come to be more In the future"

Neesha was surprised, "Your Majesty?"

"Apologies It was nothing, Let us go"

you quickly went through the hallways as your ponytail flicked behind you, you wished to get to the garden quicker but not just for the gift but also so you could see Kaveh too. you tried to be careful as you passed by some of the other servants there until you made It outside to the royal garden, It was always to beautiful no matter how many time's you had been there to play, when you weren't allowed to play with Kaveh or Al Haitham you'd be helping you mother with tasks 

just as you heard the sounds of water, you went around the Jasmine flowers as you went to the fountain looking around but you didn't see Kaveh anywhere around

"Prince? Prince Kaveh?"

all of a sudden It went dark, and you felt someone had covered your eye's but then you heard the sounds of a familiar laughter "Who is this?"

"We've been friends for three years silly, can't you tell"

you thought before smiling, "Prince Kaveh!"

he uncovered your eyes as he laughed a little, you turned around to see his bright red eye's and dirty blonde hair with a feather tucked into It with his signature smile on his face. He guided you to come sit down on the fountain ledge just as he took out something from his clothing

"Happy Birthday"

you silently gasped, "For me?"

he smiled, "Of course!"

he opened the little box and took out a pair of earrings, they were silver and rounded with some dangling designs on It that were inlayed with some diamond's 

"they're beautiful! could I take something so precious?"

Kaveh shook his head, "Of course you can, It's your birthday and...."

he blushed, "I...I just...take them please, for me"

you smiled with a nod as he then got close, taking out the one's you were currently wearing before he put In the new one's for you as you felt their weight upon your ears 

he then came back to have a look at you, with his cheek's becoming rosy once more 

"So pretty...."

you giggled, "Really?"

you looked at your reflection in the water to see, before you gripped his hands "Thank you so much!"

you then hugged the Prince, and he hugged you back as a smile came to his face just as some of the passerby maids made comments to themselves as they admired you both but after you broke apart, Prince Kaveh then grabbed your hand as he took you to play a game with him.

The was shining throughout the day and the air was filled with happiness as well as content, but this wasn't to last as the evening came with an storm rolling closer to Sumeru Kingdom. It was about time for you and your Mother to leave the palace, you were waiting in the hallway for your Mother to finish helping the Queen change clothes for dinner time. you bounced on your heels as you waited but then you jumped in fright upon hearing the sounds of thunder 


inside the room Queen Faranak looked to the door, Neesha put down the Jewelry as she came to check on you outside the door as you were shaken up quite a bit so she comforted you

"It's alright, It's only a thunderstorm you know what that means right?"

you nodded, "Lesser Lord Kusanali's sending the rain"

she smiled, "That's right, now stay here a while longer we'll go home soon"

Neesha soon went back inside the Queen's Chambers, just as you heard another roll of thunder resound through the sky along with the sounds of rain being heard, It was raining hard now

just then you heard the jingle of a bracelet, and you turned to see Prince Kaveh which made you feel more comforted than before "Are you alright? It's really noisy outside"

you nodded, "mhm"

just then a guard was rushing towards you both which made Kaveh pull you aside, just as the guard frantically bang on the Queen's Chamber door which made your mother go answer 

"Yes? What is it,"

the guard was soaked from head to toe, he struggled to speak "It's...His...His Majesty.....!"

Queen Faranak stood up, "What do you mean? what's happened"

"His Majesties ship....the ship was lost!"

outside the door you and Kaveh listened, and you looked to Kaveh as you saw great dread fill his face just as Queen Faranak sank to the floor. your Mother looked on also equally shaken

"how could this....happen"

you covered your mouth in shock just as Kaveh burst into the room, his Mother didn't rise from the floor as he stumbled over to her as tears were streaming down his cheek's 

Neesha stood and rushed over to your side, just as you hugged her "Mother why!?"

she hushed you as she too was struggling to come to terms, just as another few guards came into the room along with Al Haitham's Father the Royal Scribe 

Al Haitham's father spoke first, "My Deepest Condolences your Majesty..."

just as Queen Faranak finally raised her head, just as they all bowed In Kaveh's direction which made him taken aback as he didn't understand why they were doing that 

"We await your orders...King Kaveh"

his eye's widened and Faranak pulled him close into her arm's, just as your mother had you bow too but you couldn't tear your eyes away from Kaveh as he seemed to be lost In a void.

To Love Someone so Dear, Kaveh X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang