Her Wisdom Chap.14

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A few days later...

Kaveh was within the Palace's temple which was dedicated to Lesser Lord Kusanali, he'd come to replace the offerings as well as send up his own prayers for these troubling times, just as Kaveh finished speaking his prayer he looked to see Princess Candace entered the temple

"Your Highness?"

Candace gave a bow, "Your Majesty, I hope you'll pardon my Intrusion...I wished to visit the Temple of your deity, as you know we of Lower Setekh have a different god"

Kaveh nodded, "Of course,"

Candace removed her shoes before she came closer, looking all around the temple as she smelled the fragrances coming from the Incense that had been lit

"This scent...It's very comforting"

Kaveh smiled, "Indeed, Its one that's always used here"

Candace came to stand beside Kaveh, "there's something I'd like to ask your Majesty, forgive me if this is too personal but...you don't wish to marry me do you"

"I...yes that's true, I don't"

Candace nodded, "I understand, and to tell the truth...I don't wish to be married as well I'm perfectly happy In Lower Setekh not to mention I value not being tied down"

"I understand what you mean, but my reasons are...different" said Kaveh 

Candace turned, "How so?"

Kaveh started, "Well...I only wish to marry the one I love, I don't want to force someone into marriage or conceiving a child for me...I wish for the lady to be willing"

Candace was surprised, "Your Majesty is indeed kind as they say, also very considerate...I respect your thinking"

she then looked up to the statue of Lesser Lord Kusanali, "And...the one you love, It's that servant isn't It? is it social status that's stopping you"

"It's...you don't understand, It's not society or my status...I don't know If she feels the same way for me, It wouldn't be right to force her to my side...I don't wish to either"

Candace started to understand, "I Believe I know what you're thinking...you're Unsure if she feels the same way which is what's stopping you, you value how she feels that's very noble of you but...have you perhaps thought to just tell her?"


Candace smiled, "I've never been In love before so I wouldn't know, but I'm sure in your shoes It's frightening even...you should let her know how you feel before going from there"

she then gestured to the statue, "I'm sure she'd tell you the very same, taking risks is scary but sometimes It's a good taking of a risk that'll lead to greater happiness"

Kaveh smiled, "you're very wise your highness, thank you"

he then quickly went to put on his shoes, "please excuse me"

"Your Majesty?"

he looked back, "because of your wisdom, I've now come to realize something very Important...I'm going to take that risk"

Candace smiled, "I see...good luck to you, I pray that you two stay happy together".

To Love Someone so Dear, Kaveh X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now