Royal Lessons Chap.18

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A few days later....

Everyday from now on you'd be having lessons on how to conduct yourself as a Princess from now on and the thing's you'd need to learn In order to be Queen as well. and the one who'd take It upon herself to teach you was Madam Faruzan much to your delight and great honor, she'd taught Kaveh when he was still a little prince so she was quite sure she'd help you become a great Queen that Sumeru could look to for it's comfort and care. but ever since getting engaged to Kaveh you'd been making It your second goal to do right by the kingdom and it's people, the first goal however was to do your best to support Kaveh as you went on through your lives

It was the first day of your lessons with Madam Faruzan, you got up like usual as Mekare and Layla came to greet you In the morning as usual as you started to get out of your bed

"My Lady, Today's the first day of your lessons are you excited?" asked Mekare 

you smiled and covered your yawn, "I am"

you brushed your hair from your shoulder as you rose to your feet, just as Layla let out a yawn

"The Bath's ready for you"

you gave a nod as you then headed to the private bath which was connected to your room, such a thing was only exclusive to the King but as you were to be his Queen you had the honor too

you undressed from your night clothes and undid the braid in your hair, then stepping up into the golden tub which had Kalpalata flower petals within It. As Mekare came to help you wash up you started wondering what It would be like for your lessons, you knew she wouldn't go easy on you which was fine as you were willing and eager to learn all that she'd teach you 

Layla was putting out your dress for today when she started to doze off, and at that moment the doors of your chambers opened a little as Kaveh peeked inside as to look for you 

but he saw a slumbering Layla and quietly went over to wake her from her slumber 

"Layla, Layla come now wake up"

Layla opened her eyes, "ZZZ....."

she then startled and got into a low bow "Your Majesty! please forgive me"

"Fear not, It's alright now if you could tell me where your lady is?"

Layla started, "She's In the bath your Majesty"

Kaveh blushed, "Oh I see, please excuse me then I'll wait to speak with her later"

In the bath you heard Kaveh's voice, which made you perk up as you called from the inside

"Kaveh? is that you"

he went to the door but didn't reach to open It, "Yes my love, It's me I just wanted to ask if you're ready for your first day of lessons"

you smoothed water over your shoulders, "Yes I am, though I fear...Madam Faruzan's wrath when I'm quizzed"

Kaveh chuckled, "you'll do just fine, I believe In you"

you smiled, "Thank you Darling"

"I'll see you later have a good day my Padisarah" he said

Kaveh took his leave shortly after that, and you soon finished in the bath as your ladies in waiting helped you get dressed before they sent you off for your first day of Royal lessons.

In the old classroom where Kaveh learned as a boy It was much changed, of course but you still could see all of the memories within the hallowed walls as you sat down on the ornate carpet 

Madam Faruzan dressed up in her robes of white and turquoise, "Welcome, I hope you're ready young lady"

you smiled "Yes Madam"

"First and be a queen, you've to learn to be regal, wise and most of all benevolent but I already see such things within In you my dear"

you were surprised, "Really?"

Faruzan smiled, "Of course, and you're most kindhearted which is the most Important thing now we'll begin with your postures stand up for me"

you rose to your feet smoothing your dress skirt, and she came to your side as she tapped your arms with a wooden cane In which she corrected the way you had them 

"Oh, I'm sorry"

"That's alright, now let me see your bow even though you're to be his wife and queen you still must bow when you see him"

you gave a nod before you bowed lowly, and Faruzan put her hand's together "Very good!"

"Now sit back down, I have to tell you about something"

you nodded and sat down, as she came to sit by your side "You must take good care of your health for many reasons but the biggest one is so that you can birth a healthy heir"

"I am aware"

Faruzan came close, "Good then...I should tell you what to expect on your Martial night after the wedding"

she spoke into your ear about It all the while a bright blush bloomed across your face, 

"Come now child, this is common knowledge...but I'm happy you're both going into this ordeal already In love"

you put a hand to your heart, "Me too, I've always loved Kaveh since we were children and...he's told me the same"

a smile came to your face, " have no idea, I love Kaveh so much"

Faruzan smiled, "That's beautiful, now come time to hit the books!".

To Love Someone so Dear, Kaveh X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now