Feverish King Chap.10

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After that you helped Kaveh to stand up and to sober up before you supported him to his room, but before he could go to bed for the night he called one of the servants who helped him to bathe, whom started to ask why he smelled of Alcohol but you didn't say a thing as to keep Kaveh's secret for him as you promised to never tell a single soul. After Kaveh had cleaned up he dressed In his night clothes telling you he was fine and that you could go rest for the night 

"Are you sure?"

Kaveh smiled, "Yes don't worry I'm alright now thanks to you"

he cupped your cheek, "I...I'm honestly ashamed, I never wanted you to see me like that"

you touched his hand, "I understand but...now you longer have to carry all of that alone, I'm so sorry you went through all of that when I was gone..."

Kaveh sighed, "It was...the darkest period In my life, though it still clings to me along with my guilt but....I have hope"


he smiled, "yes, that going forward I'll continue to do all that I can for my people"

you smiled, "I know you will, I've always believed In you Kaveh...and though I'm just a maid I'll be here for you"

"(Y/n)...It's never mattered to me that you're a maid"

Kaveh drew in closer as he then ran a hand through your hair, the action made your heart flutter as you looked In each other's eyes but then you shied away much to his wishing you'd stayed

"It's late, I should go" you said

Kaveh started, "wai-"

he then started to gag before he leaned over the edge of his bed to vomit, you spun around In shock to seeing him get sick but you rushed back over to his side "Kaveh!"

you went to get something to wipe his mouth, "Kaveh did you drink too much?"

he coughed, "I suppose I did...again"

you came back with a cloth and a vase which he continued to throw up into, then wiping his mouth when he finished all the while you rubbed his back in circles

"I...I have to stop this, I've tried to stop drinking but...It's far too late into this" he said

you continued to rub his back but then Kaveh stilled, before he collapsed backwards into the blankets as you tried to wake him up but then noticed he was burning up at the forehead. 

You quickly called someone to come help and the guards rushed in as the Royal doctor was sent for, he slowly but surely came as you'd helped Kaveh to get In bed so he'd be more comfortable. Mehrak was summoned and he quickly asked what you were doing with him at that hour, you had to lie and say you were passing by when you heard the sounds of his retching inside 

"Doctor, Is his Majesty going to be alright?" you asked

the doctor put away his tool after listening to his heart, "his Majesty shall be fine, he's just come down with a fever from too much accumulated stress"

Mehrak breathed a sigh of relief, "Archons...."

"But I suggest a night and day of bed rest, no royal duties tomorrow only relaxation" he said

Mehrak nodded, "Very well, I'll make the arrangements thank you for coming"

The Royal Doctor soon left and Mehrak instructed you to look after him, you obeyed but would've wanted to do so even if he hadn't given you the orders. And so you went to light a candle nearby to give some light to the room as you went to change Kaveh's cold cloth 

you gently placed it above his brows, then getting on your knees at his bedside as you then rested a bit but then you heard what sounded like your name being spoken quietly 


you turned to see Kaveh awake as he was calling out your name, you took his hands in yours 

"you're awake, are you alright?"

Kaveh then closed his eyes, "I'm glad you're still here..."

you came closer, "how do you feel?"


you started, "The doctor said you're sick from the accumulated stress"

Kaveh let out a breath, "I see...once again I'm ruining myself"

you rubbed his hands, "Kaveh you've taken on too much by yourself, you know Al Haitham's here to help as well as Sir Mehrak"

"I know but I...I've burdened everyone enough" he said

you shook your head, "Kaveh, you've never been a burden to anyone...they all care about you"

Kaveh smiled a bit, "I know and that's one of the reasons...why I don't want to be a burden, especially to you"

Kaveh then started to try sitting up and you helped him, sitting on the bed as he then held your hands within his own "(Y/n) you...really mean so much to me"

"I feel the same," you confessed

Kaveh's face became more flushed, "Then do you...could you possibly...lo"

he started but didn't finish as he then collapsed onto you, startled a little bit but you held onto him before laying him back down so he could rest more as you stayed by his side

just as one of the other maids entered the room, she carried a tray with steaming bowl

"I brought his Majesties brewed medicine" she said

you motioned her to bring it and thanked her, then trying to have Kaveh rouse enough to have one spoonful In which he did and the bitterness made him wake up "Ugh"

you giggled, "Sorry, I'll bring some sweetened rice pudding for you later"

you then gave him another spoonful of the medicine before he'd had enough, you then put the bowl down and tucked him back in as you stayed at his bedside a little longer. After a while though you had fallen asleep as it was so late and Kaveh woke too after a while, seeing you asleep as you rested against his bed and he brought his hand to caress your hair.

To Love Someone so Dear, Kaveh X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now