Unconditional Love Chap.15

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After Kaveh left the Temple he went to look for you, the time after the ball he'd noticed you'd been avoiding him to which he wondered why or what'd he'd done wrong but he was going fix everything now at least he hoped. Upon seeing Layla he asked her if you were alright to which she said you were and asked her to pass on a message to you for him 

"If you could I'd be very grateful," he said

Layla sleepily bowed, "Right away...your Majesty"

Layla yawned as she steadied herself, before she took the piece of parchment In hand to deliver It to you as she headed to the Royal Gardens In hopes you were still there but she was skeptical as It was nearing sundown. Layla tried to walk as fast as she could until she eventually reached the garden's to see you now holding a basket of Jasmine flowers 


you looked up, "Layla?"

she huffed and puffed, "I...his Majesty...I brought..."

you put down the basket, "What're you trying to say? is his Majesty alright"

she caught her breath, "Yes...he told me to bring this to you"

you looked down at the paper she held, you received It before you opened It up to have a look but then something fell to the ground In which you saw It was a Padisarah flower

you were surprised and picked up the flower, before you started reading the little note 

*(Y/n), It's Kaveh I'd like you come meet me at the fountain later tonight there's something Important I have to say I'll be waiting for you*

you took in a breath, "Alright, thank you for giving me this Layla"

"Of course"

you looked back down at the sacred flower, bringing It to your nose as you smelled It's sweet scent fill your nose with a great comfort coming over you to which brought a smile to you. Soon After you finished gathering up the flowers you went back inside the palace to prepare for dinner, Sidra had gotten sick so another cook had taken her place but the food was still good 

you sat on the ornate carpet alongside the other maids as you shared a meal together 

just then your eyes wondered to the outside, the setting sun It reminded you of Kaveh's eyes to which you felt yourself starting to tear up and once again feel that ache deep inside 

"(Y/n)? what's the matter are you crying?"

you turned to Mekare, "No I'm...the sunset's very bright today"

one of the maid's Saanvi pretended to think, "Hm....Is that All? or are your thoughts lost In someone?"

they all giggled to which you ignored and continued eating your curried shrimp, and afterwards you helped to clean up the dishes before you went to your room to freshen up a little bit 

"I wonder what he has to say"

you fixed your braid and tucked your lose strands of hair behind your ears, the sun had finished setting with the palace now settling down for the night so you quietly left the maids quarters. On the way to the garden's you walked through the hallways that were now lit by few lamps 

you hurried along until you came outside, already hearing the sounds of water but you felt your heart start to quicken upon wondering what was going to happen

you soon came to the fountain, looking around as you whispered "Your Majesty?"

"Kaveh, are you-"

something covered your eyes, a smile came to your face "Kaveh...."

he chuckled before letting go, "I'm glad you came,"

you turned to face him, "I got your note and...this as well"

you gestured to the Padisarah In your hands, to which Kaveh stepped closer before taking your hand In his as he guided you to sit down with him, "What did you need to say?"

Kaveh started, "It's...about my marriage"


he sighed, "You know I spoke to Princess Candace In the temple earlier, she's very wise and gave me great advises that I've never thought of before"

you looked to him, "I see, she'd make a great queen then"

Kaveh looked elsewhere, "That's true, but...we both agree, she's not the one I want to marry"

you were shocked, "What? but you said at the ball-"

"I know, It's what my council were agreeing would be best but...I'm not going to marry her"

you didn't know what to say, "Oh, then...is there someone else?"

Kaveh stood up, "You can say that, but...I don't know if she'd be willing to marry me after all she and I...we go a long way back together she...has been the dearest thing to me"

you looked up at him feeling your heart hammer, "Kaveh...what're you saying"

he took your hands In his and took a knee, "I'm saying It's you (Y/n)...the only one I wish to be with is you because I've loved you ever since we were children"

your cheeks burned, "Kaveh...but I'm just...I'm not a royal or a noble"

Kaveh looked you In the eyes, "I love you and only want you, your status means nothing to me...you're all that's Important"

tears filled your eyes, "Kaveh...I...oh my, I'm such a fool...this whole time I thought I didn't have a..."

he cupped your cheek, "I'm sorry if I hurt you unknowingly, but you've had my heart this whole time"

a warm smile came to your face, "And You...You've had mine this whole time as well"

his eyes brightened, "Then do you...."

"I love you more than words can say...Your Majesty" you confessed

Kaveh's eyes filled with so much love, "(Y/n), you have no Idea how happy I am..."

he took the Padisarah, "Do you know (Y/n), I'm the king of Sumeru who owns all kinds of wealth...but even the most radiant jewel, they don't compare to you and your smile"

you held his hand to your cheek as you cried, "Oh Kaveh,"

he slid the flower Into your hair, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead as you melted underneath his touch but then he guided you to stand up as you embraced each other 

you rested your head against his chest, "Is this a dream?"

Kaveh smiled lovingly, "Not at all...It's real,"

he lifted your chin up as he drew closer to you, and then he planted his lips on yours In a kiss that you both had longed and yearned for sealing the love you deeply felt.

(Music his Composed by Yu Peng Chen, all credits go to him and Hoyoverse)

To Love Someone so Dear, Kaveh X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now