The Return Chap.1

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After that Prince Kaveh had officially become the king despite being only twelve years old, he hadn't an idea what he was supposed to do and was very much frightened of his new position. Queen Faranak was never the same after that and had confined herself in her bedroom as she sunk into a deep depression, leaving Kaveh to often try to comfort her but she wouldn't look him in the eyes or say anything which made him feel much more saddened, but you tried to offer as much company as you could In which he'd often break down in your presence as you hugged him tightly but soon something happened. Kaveh started distract his mind and took on trying to finish his studies as well as try to become a good king which he struggled at first, often getting pressured by issues that were brought up by the royal council but in these times of struggles Kaveh found another comfort besides you, which was Architecture with him wanting to help the people In that why by creating more water wells, more school's and more homes for those who weren't like the Upper class in the royal capital or Middle class citizens In the towns. the young King was praised for his compassion towards the people but was soon told that he must focus on the now but Kaveh's mind went far beyond into the future, but soon Queen Faranak dismissed all of her staff which meant your mother Neesha In which you were upset about as you'd never see Kaveh again, he too was distressed by this but he couldn't stop his mother's decision and so you'd left the Palace with your mother with you not seeing Kaveh again.

Twelve Years later....

You'd been living with your mother and had gotten quite a few jobs to support you both, she'd started having health problems which made her unable to render her services as a maid again. It had been many years since you'd left the Palace but now that you were old enough you decided to go back to work at the Palace to help pay for your mother's medicine, but see Kaveh again who In recent years had started to become beloved by the people of his Kingdom. you'd be working as one of the maid's who'd tend to the Palace garden's which you used to love

you were currently walking through the capital, on your way to the Palace as you saw It in the not too far distance but you also started to feel some nervousness well up inside of you, but you took a deep breath as you pressed on as the skirt of your attire swayed with you, followed by the tinkle of your earrings that you wore which you'd kept all these years since that day

as you rounded a corner you bumped into something hard, and you fell backwards also having a book fall onto you which made you shield your head from It "!!!!!"


you furrowed your brows, then slowing looking up to see a tall man with grey hair and turquoise eyes, you then silently gasped as you recognized who he was "Al Haitham?"

his lips curved a little, "It's been Twelve Years, still so clumsy as ever"

a smile came to your face as you stood up, and picked up his book for him but then you hugged him which made him unsurprised but he hugged you back a little 

"It's so good to see you!"

Al Haitham took his book back, "Have you been well?"

you smiled, "Yes, you know I was just on my way to the palace...I'll be working there from now on"

"I see, Then we'll be seeing each other more often" he said

you then realized, "you're the royal scribe now aren't you?"

Al Haitham smiled slightly, "Yes"

"Then shall we head there together? His Majesty the royal peacock would be happy to see you"

you laughed, "Still calling him that? that's the other reason why I wanted to come back"

Al Haitham was surprised, *The Royal Peacock would be overjoyed to hear that*

To Love Someone so Dear, Kaveh X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now