Rumors Chap.13

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After you rushed out of the throne room Mekare and Layla went to look for you, and Kaveh wanted to go as well but Mehrak reminded him that It'd be rude to leave a royal guest alone that being Princess Candace so he stayed behind, but as soon as the ball ended he went to look for you but didn't find you anywhere but your friends did and they found you hugging your legs as you cried. You honestly felt like the biggest fool on earth, the love you had for Kaveh was deep but you could never be with him especially after hearing what he said about marrying Princess Candace, but little did you know he didn't get to finish what he was going to say to you. Kaveh was going to tell you It was the idea of the Council and the King of Lower Setekh, he had no intentions of marrying Princess Candace at all but you left before he could say so.

It had been a day since then, and rumors began to swirl around within the palace about Kaveh's soon to be engagement with Princess Candace but also rumors about you as well. A Maid who'd tried seducing the king but It was all baseless slander to which Kaveh was upset on your behalf

you were In the gardens as you swept the paths, feeling the great ache In your heart remained


you turned to see Mekare, In which you tried to muster a little smile as she came to your side

"Are you alright?"

you sighed, "Yes,"

Mekare shook her head, "No you're not, you've heard the rumors haven't you?"

"Even if I did, what does It matter"

you continued sweeping as you walked past her but then she let out a frustrated sigh 

"(Y/n), you're In love with his Majesty aren't you?"

you paused, "I am...I love and adore him so much, but...who am I? but a garden maid"

"True, but when I've seen you with his Majesty the look in his're the most precious thing in his eyes"

you looked to Mekare, "What're you implying?"

she smiled, "His Majesty, In a word...feels the same way about you"

you felt your heartbeat quicken but then you shook your head, "That's Impossible, he told me himself...he's to marry Princess Candace and she'll produce an heir"

"There is a rumor around the palace yes, but perhaps It is only a rumor"

you pursed your lips together, "Mekare, I know you're trying to help but...I can't give myself false hopes anymore...His Majesty, if he gets married to the princess...I shall wish him well".

To Love Someone so Dear, Kaveh X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now