Princess of Lower Setekh Chap.11

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A Few days later...

Approaching the Kingdom of Sumeru was a procession that had crossed through the lands of Lower Setekh and a Palanquin carried within a woman not too much older than Kaveh. as the procession made it's way through the streets the people looked on In awe at the beauty from behind the white curtains, a woman said to resemble a goddess looked forward as she sat within while the people marveled as she passed on her way to the Royal Capital and the news of a grand procession reached the palace In no time but Kaveh was unaware, for he was currently busy within his study overseeing preparations for the upcoming Sabzeruz Ball which celebrated the birth of Lesser Lord Kusanali the Dendro Archon. To which Kaveh was extremely devout and he was planning on giving the servants leave for that night as to enjoy the ball itself 

a smile came to his face as he thought about It already, everyone was Invited no matter if they noble or commoner as It was a night to rejoice and celebrate the Goddess 

just then Mehrak came inside, "Your Majesty! please excuse my Intrusion but you must come to the Throne room at once"

Kaveh furrowed his brows, "What's happened?"

"A Visitor has come to the kingdom all the way from the desert"

Kaveh was taken aback but soon came to his feet as he left his study, following Mehrak to the throne room where eventually the procession arrived with the woman to present herself

The Guards opened the door's to the throne room, there stood a tall woman with beautiful sapphire and golden colored eyes and her hair dark blue like the night sky, she wore elegant clothes of gold and purple with her stomach bare and In her hair a crown. She walked gracefully step by step to stand a few feet away from the throne, she then removed the veil that covered half of her face In which made the guards look on In awe of her beauty 

she bowed, "King Kaveh, I am Princess Candace of Lower Setekh and I've come here by my father's wishes...but not only that but on my own as well"

Kaveh stood up, "It's a pleasure to meet you Princess Candace, you've traveled a very long way...but I believe I declined the king's proposal"

"Your Majesty did, but he thought by sending me here personally It could perhaps change your mind"

Kaveh walked down the steps of the throne, coming to stand before Princess Candace as he brought her out of the bow to press a polite kiss atop her hand

"I hope you won't send me back after I've come so far" she said

Kaveh shook his head, "of course not, I shall arrange for your stay here...Mehrak"

Mehrak smiled, "I shall make the arrangements for her highnesses stay, please right this way Princess Candace"

just then another woman stepped forward wearing red and black, she was quite muscled 

Candace gestured, "This is Dehya, my bodyguard as well as lady In waiting"

Dehya put a hand to her heart as she bowed to Kaveh, "Your Majesty"

"The Flame Mane I believe, I've heard of your bravery" he said

she smiled, "Thank you"

Kaveh then cleared his throat, "If you need anything please let Mehrak know or please come to me, but for now I have somethings to take care of"

Candace bowed, "Of course, I'll take my leave then"

Candace turned as she was followed by Dehya along with several other of her servants, just as Kaveh contemplated on the current situation that he was placed in 

he sat down on his throne, practically sinking into it "Why would he send her? I already told him I had no Intention to marry her"

"But your Majesty It would be a great alliance not to mention of benefit to the kingdom"

Kaveh sighed, "I already told you Mehrak, I wish to marry someone I love and who loves me In return"

Mehrak fixed up his robes, "It's that Garden Maid Isn't It? your Majesty can't be serious"

"And why not? she's the only one I love, but I won't use my position to force her into anything"

Kaveh started to leave the Throne room and Mehrak let out a dragged out sigh, but then he followed after Kaveh as he started to pray up to Lesser Lord Kusanali.

To Love Someone so Dear, Kaveh X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now