Al Haitham's Taunts Chap.2

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After Kaveh's Meeting.....

Kaveh sat behind his desk as if still in a daze about what happened before, all these years he'd of course wanted to see you again and wished to see you again but he nearly gave up hope. But seeing you today made him feel the happiest he'd been in a while, for the whole day and many days he'd of course been doing his job ruling over Sumeru which made him toil day and night 

*Knock Knock*

Kaveh looked up, "Yes? come in"

the door swung open as Al Haitham came in, he lowered his book to bow his head 

"Your Majesty wished to see me"

Kaveh nodded, "Yes, where'd you find (Y/n)?"

Al Haitham started, "I was returning here from the Capital when she crashed into me"

Kaveh started to laugh, "Just like she used to huh,"

"Yes, she told me that she's coming to work in the palace permanently as a garden maid"

Kaveh nodded, "I see, she has always loved the garden's"

Kaveh then smiled as he stood up to go look out the window, "I remember when all three of us would play hide and seek there with many other's hard to believe it's over"

"I understand the sentiment but It was time for us to grow up, more so your Majesty"

Kaveh sighed, "I know, I'm not oblivious to what I have to do...It's just those days were happier"

Kaveh looked out the window as he could see the capital in the far distance, he then let out a sigh as he let the curtains go as he then went to the left side of the study

"She's still wearing the earrings I gave her"

Al Haitham nodded, "yes, but I remember they were weighing her down before"

Kaveh let out a sigh as he nearly felt a nerve pop, but he kept his calm 

"Anyway, Might I remind your Majesty about your wanting to renovate the Palace...It's Impossible with the way you went out to distribute money to the poor last year"

Kaveh crossed his arms, "I...what did you want me to do? my subjects need me and I did what I wanted to help them...I already know It's impossible but one day I will for sure"

Al Haitham nodded, "I know, you want to be a good King but that doesn't mean you should so easily give away the Royal funds and or other things"

Kaveh furrowed his brows, "Enough, I don't need you to lecture me I know what I'm doing...and I've heard enough of that from my council they're saying that"

Kaveh then felt a headache come on, he then rubbed his temple "......."

"By the way, If you see (Y/n) later tell her she can let me know if her quarters are missing anything" 

Al Haitham sighed, "Very well if I see her that is"

Kaveh then started thinking back, a smile returning to his face "she's changed a lot...but I knew It was her, she's still lovely as ever"

Al Haitham turned to leave the room, "Let me know when you get your head out of the clouds I know how you feel about her but don't you think it's been far too long to still have ho-"

Al Haitham ducked as he dodged the book that came his way, seeing a rather mad Kaveh 

"Begone! if you're going to keep teasing and belittling me do it elsewhere"

Al Haitham bowed and without saying another word left the study, leaving behind Kaveh who had just calmed his nerves but that aside his face was very much red too, he went to sit back down behind his desk as he started to think to himself if it really was still pointless to hope.

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