A Mother's Visit Chap.24

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A Few Weeks passed since you officially started your duties, and when Kaveh heard of your first decree he told you that he supported you fully with the constructions beginning for the new treatment places. In the last few days you went to visit the villages In the kingdom where you helped to hand out food, water and also new clothing along with books for the children, you also ordered the making of new houses for those who hadn't any. the people marveled and praised your kindness as well as your Virtues for helping those In need, the people started to revere you as their Goddess on earth but you were just a woman who loved her people. 

you were sitting In the royal garden's as you viewed the flowers, you bent down to smell them just as you heard footsteps approaching before you felt hands cover your eyes 

you smiled, "Darling?"

Kaveh laughed a little, "Right as always my love"

he uncovered your eyes as you embraced each other, he pressed a kiss to your forehead 

"You've been so busy just as I have" he said

you smiled, "mhm, I'm a little tired but It'll never not be worth It to see the people happy and thriving"

Kaveh smiled and caressed your cheek, "I agree, but for today I'd like you to relax...also I have a surprise for you"

"Really? what is it"

he covered your eyes again, "Here I'll guide you to it, but keep your eyes closed"

you giggled a bit as you closed your eyes while he removed his hands, then guiding you along step by step as he took you back inside the palace winding up at the entrance 

"Alright, open your eyes"

you opened your eyes as you then saw your mother standing not too far away, Neesha was dressed up In clothes befitting the mother of a queen but she was using a cane as well

tears started to gather In your eyes, "Mother..."

Lady Neesha smiled, "Oh, My Child...Look at you, I'm so proud of all you've done"

you looked to Kaveh, "Darling she...she's standing on her own and..."

Kaveh squeezed your shoulders, "Yes she's improved quite a lot, I asked Tighnari to personally help treat her illness but the rest of It was her own willpower"

you smiled as a tear streamed down your cheek, you then left his side as you went to hug your mother as she held you tightly In her arms you hadn't seen her since you'd returned long ago

Neesha kissed your brow, "you don't know how happy I was to hear you'd taken your place at his Majesties side, and now I'm proud to hear all you've done for the people"

she then turned to Kaveh, "Your Majesty May I?"

Lady Neesha started to walk towards your husband, In which he came to meet her quickly as he gently hugged her all the while she rubbed his back "Son, Thank you for loving my daughter as you always have"

Kaveh smiled, "Of course, your daughter is my whole world and more"

Neesha gave Kaveh a motherly peck on the forehead, In which made him nearly overcome

you smiled warmly as you then wiped another tear away, just as Madam Faruzan heard the commotion In which she'd wanted to come see "Lady Neesha It's good to see you again"

Neesha turned with a smile, "Honored Mother Faruzan, I thank you for being here for her In my stead..."

she started bowing but Faruzan stopped her, "Please don't, you're her real mother...I may be the honored Mother of the king but she's your child, even so I care for her as my own"

"and it's for that I thank your Ladyship" said Neesha

Faruzan turned to Kaveh, "You! why didn't you tell me she'd be visiting I'd have had her room arranged"

Kaveh put his hands up, "It was to be a surprise for (Y/n),"

you went to his side and kissed his cheek, "A wonderful surprise, thank you darling"

he held your hand, "Of course"

you then went to support your mother as she walked, all the while she asked you both questions of how you've been or if you'd been getting enough rest as a mother would.

To Love Someone so Dear, Kaveh X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now