The Fountain Chap.3

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Royal Chamberlain Mehrek took you to the royal garden's where he left you In the care of one of the other maids, one of the other maids who worked In the garden, Mekare, she gave you Instructions on what you'd be assigned to do day to day, you would be responsible for delivering fresh flowers to designated places within the palace and also tend to the birds there. It was an easy enough job In which you were surprised you wouldn't be asked to do something harsh, she then tossed you a broom as she told you to sweep the grounds and around the fountain first 

"Go on, when you're finished I'll show you the maid's quarters"

you nodded, "Yes alright"

you then got to it as you started to sweep around the fountain, but then you got distracted as you peered over into the fountain as you watched it's waters sparkle and ripple 

a smile came to your face, "It seemed like yesterday when we sat here all those years ago..."

time truly did fly by so fast, but you were happy to see that Kaveh remained the same as he was before as well as Al Haitham, you giggled at the thought before you continued sweeping just as you saw some birds land not too far away they were small birds that were very cute 

you hummed to yourself as you soon went around the fountain, then sweeping the pathways as instructed before you decided to take a little break until Mekare returned to fetch you

you then peered into the fountain once more, but then your vision went dark as you were surprised to feel hands covering them In which made your heartbeat start to quicken 

a smile spread on your face, "It's you Isn't It? Your Majesty"

Kaveh laughed and uncovered your eyes as he sat beside you, but you started to stand up as you couldn't be Impolite but Kaveh stopped you as you were going to bow "Please, there's no need"

"In my Presence just be yourself that's all I ask" he said

you nodded and sat back down, "Your Meeting's over already"

"Yes, and I was rushed off to my next engagement by Mehrek but I made this time to come see how you were settling in"

you blushed, "you didn't have to do that just for me"

Kaveh shook his head, "Nonsense, It's your first day back here...I want to be sure you're comfortable"

you smiled, "Thank you, your Majesty"

Kaveh smiled, "So, All these years how have you been In all?"

"I've been well, working as hard as I can to get the Mora I need"

"And Madam Neesha? is she well" he asked

Kaveh then noticed how you became downcast, "What's wrong?"

"A while after Mother and I left the palace, she became ill and her health hasn't improved sense so I've been trying to earn enough to pay for her medicine as well as support us"

Kaveh touched your shoulder, "I'm sorry, from now on you don't have to worry about if you can afford the medicine because I'll see that It gets to your mother from now on"

you silently gasped, "Your can I ever repay you"

he smiled, "I don't need any repayment, I'm your childhood friend not just your king"

you smiled as you felt almost teary eyed, then holding onto his hand's as he gave yours a squeeze just as you then found yourself moving to hug him but you were unsure

Kaveh understood, and he opened his arms "It's alright I promise"

you wrapped your arms around him as he did the same for you, In his arms you always felt so warm and comfortable as you could smell the perfumed scents he was wearing. you rested your head on his shoulder as you relaxed and Kaveh did the same too as he then yawned

you giggled, "Did you get any rest last night?"

"Not very much, I was awake late working on a new design for my future project"

you smiled, "Architecture?"


Kaveh rested his chin atop your head, "that's the only thing that's kept my spirits up these past years...other than that I've been in an Abyss"

you furrowed your brows and parted to look at him, "What do you mean?"

Kaveh realized what he'd said, he then tried to make up a fib "I...It's nothing, please don't worry"

he parted from you as he stood up, "Anyway I have to go back now...If you need anything don't hesitate to reach out"

you started, "Kaveh"

upon hearing his name fall from your lips he turned, "Yes?"

you then blushed, "Oh no...I'm sorry that was rude!"

Kaveh smiled, "Not at all, when we're alone you can call me my name all you want"

you smiled, "But Isn't that not appropriate?"

"Yes In fact It's against royal etiquette, but when It comes to those dear to me...such things don't exist"

you smiled and giggled, "That's so like you"

Kaveh smiled and then waved to you as he headed off, and you waved back just as you picked up your broom once more just in time as Mekare had returned.

To Love Someone so Dear, Kaveh X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now