The Wedding Chap.21

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A Few days later...

The Fateful day had finally arrived with the whole of Sumeru Kingdom celebrating, many guests Including royals from other Kingdoms were to be In attendance for the ceremony and after feast. In the morning you'd been woken up by Layla and Mekare with plenty of congratulations about later today, your heart started to beat loudly In your chest for you were so happy but also quite nervous about today after all you'd be getting married, but also become Queen of Sumeru 

more maids had come to serve you this morning as you went to have your bath, the water was filled with many different flowers including some Padisarah In order to accumulate blessings, you undressed from your silken robe and slid into the not too hot water's of the bath. Layla tended to helping you wash your hair as she dipped a comb into scented oils 

she gently combed through your hair as she parted your scalp, while Mekare and the other maids helped you to wash up all the while you then had water poured over your head

"Hey! I wasn't finished yet!" whined Layla

Mekare then realized, "Oops"

you giggled, "It's alright don't worry"

Layla then finished with your hair before It was properly rinsed, and so was the rest of you once more with you soon getting out the tub to be dried off. just as you were changing into your under garments Madam Faruzan entered your bedroom chamber now dressed up In formal attire

her hair up In a braided bun, wearing a white and turquiose dress with golden detail which was fitting for the honorary mother of the king but she didn't come alone as she brought your now finished wedding dress which had just been transported from the capital

"Make way please the dress is here" she proclaimed

you turned with a smile, "Madam Faru- I mean Mother, you look so pretty"

Faruzan smiled, "Why thank you, come I'll help you get changed"

you stood up as you followed her to get changed, you first slipped the first layer of the skirts overhead as Mekare smoothed it out before you put on the long sleeved top, It had long sleeves and Intricate golden detailing of course pairing perfectly with the lovely shade of red.

you stood up as you followed her to get changed, you first slipped the first layer of the skirts overhead as Mekare smoothed it out before you put on the long sleeved top, It had long sleeves and Intricate golden detailing of course pairing perfec...

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you slipped on your shoes before you were taken to sit down while your hair and makeup was done, Faruzan helped you to put on your bracelets, earrings and wide golden necklace that had dangling rubies from It. and your hair was done into a beautiful updo with flowers In it 

a warm smile came to Faruzan's face, "I can't wait until his Majesty sees you"

you smiled as you felt yourself want to tear up already, but then as they finished you were soon visited by Mehrak who told you that It was almost time just as your Tiara was set into your hair 

Faruzan touched your shoulders, "what a beautiful bride and queen you are"

you touched her hands, "Thank you Mother"

she carefully hugged you and gave you a motherly peck on the forehead, you hugged her again as you started to cry but she cautioned you not to ruin your makeup 

you rose to your feet, "I don't know what we'd do without you here"

Faruzan laughed a little bit, just as she picked up the sheer red veil placing It over your head as It then trailed a little bit behind you as you then started to the door. Layla and Mekare held to the ends of your veil as you headed out of your bedroom on your way to the throne room 

At the Altar Kaveh stood beside Al Haitham who had the honor of being the one to preside

"Is your Majesty ready?" he asked

Kaveh looked, "Of course I am, but...after this (Y/n)'s life is going to change a lot I just hope she's going to be comfortable"

Al Haitham sighed, "You worry too much"

just then Mehrak signaled your arrival with the music now changing to the olden hymns of Sumeru Kingdom as the grand door's opened up with you lifting your head. through your veil a warm smile came to your face as you started to walk, step by step ever closer to your love and king as his breath was taken by how you looked In that moment as he praised Kusanali 

Kaveh smiled lovingly as your eyes never left each others, you kept walking until you reached his side with Layla and Mekare releasing your veil as they went to go take their spots elsewhere 

Kaveh gently lifted your veil away from your face, you gazed into each other's eyes 

"you're so beautiful, truly..."

you smiled bashfully, "Thank you"

you then placed your hand in his as Al Haitham then spoke a sentence In light of the Dendro Archon, Kaveh helped you to kneel as the both of you bowed lowly until Al Haitham finished 

he then helped you to stand back up as you then faced each other as Al Haitham began again

"Everyone, In this Golden hour we come here to celebrate and announce this union to Lesser Lord Kusanali...the marriage of his Majesty King Kaveh and the Lady (Y/n), if anyone should object to this union or have reason they should not wed speak now...."

No one spoke, Al Haitham's lips curved, "Very well, Now do you King Kaveh swear to love, honor and respect Lady (Y/n) as your wife until death parts you?"

Kaveh smiled lovingly, "I do, with every breath In my body"

you felt your heart melt with a tear streaming down your cheek, Al Haitham then turned to you 

"And Do you Lady (Y/n), swear to love, honor and respect his Majesty as your husband until death parts you?"

you smiled warmly, "I do...even after death parts us I will still do so"

In the audience Madam Faruzan had taken out a cloth to wipe her tears with, just as the wedding rings were brought with a golden band for Kaveh and you a golden ring inlaid with a big ruby 

you slipped his onto his finger and he did the same for you as Al Haitham then closed the book

"Then...By the power vested In me as the Royal Scribe of Sumeru Kingdom, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife...King and Queen"

a smile came to both of your face's as you were presented to the crowd with them cheering for you, accepting you as their Queen before you turned to face Kaveh with him drawing close

you smiled warmly, putting a hand to his chest "I love you,"

he put his arms around you, "and I love you"

just then Mehrak started to motion Kaveh to stop as It wasn't appropriate in front of guests or wedding protocol but Kaveh ignored him as he brought you into a loving kiss.

(Music Is Composed by Adrian Von Ziegler, all credits go to him)

To Love Someone so Dear, Kaveh X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now