Sneaking Out Chap.6

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Later on....

It was In the evening before sunset and you'd finished all the work you could, now sneaking away to the outside of the palace where you promised to meet Kaveh. with each step you wondered what was going to happen but you were wondering where you'd be going, you'd almost gotten spotted by Mekare but you slid past her as you continued down the hallway quietly before you headed to the palace entrance, telling the guards that you had an errand to run for his majesty and with that they opened the doors for you as you then hurried down the stairs. looking out to the horizon to see It wasn't yet sunset so you were indeed on time

after going down the last few flights you soon heard someone calling out to you 


you stopped and looked around, "Hm?"

just then someone stepped out from behind one of the pillars, It was Kaveh but he was dressed differently and not in his usual kings garb but Instead dressed like a commoner 


he smiled, "what do you think? I rather like this, it's way more comfortable then my usual clothes"

you smiled as you walked over to him, "you look nice but why're you dressed like that?"

"this is the surprise, I'll be going into the city In disguise to look around and see If I'm meeting the needs of my people, I wanted you to come along as my guide but also to enjoy yourself"

you put a hand to your heart, "I see, thank you Kaveh"

"Of course, now when we're In the city you musn't call me your majesty or Kaveh"

you nodded, "Alright but what should I call you then?"

Kaveh started thinking, "I...I'll think of it on the way, come, there's no time to lose"

he held out his hand and you took it as you then hurried away together, sneaking outside the palace gates as you made your way to the capital city where he knew all was fine. he wanted to venture further to the middle and lower class parts of the kingdom to have a better look 

"are you alright? I hope this isn't too much walking for you" he said

you smiled, "Not at all this is what I do daily"

just as you came to the market district there were many stalls still bustling, but as It was becoming sunset they had lanterns lit to keep the streets lit for the passerbys 

just as Kaveh stopped you as he heard some people talking not too far away 

Citizen # 1 "His Majesty is truly a kind hearted and generous man, unlike the Queen of Inazuma who's Iron clad rules make her people miserable...we're so lucky to have him"

Citizen # 3 "Indeed, but...he may be too kind for his own good while he cares a lot about us, you remember that year when the kingdom fell Into-"

Citizen # 2 "Shhh! don't talk about it, or else you'd sooner catch his bad luck"

Kaveh rubbed the back of his head as he ushered you along, and you of course wondered what those men meant by bad luck but then a sound emitted from your stomach

Kaveh stopped, and smiled "Hungry?"

you blushed as you slowly nodded, "yes"

"Worry not, what would you like? dinner or just a snack feel free to get whatever you want" 

you felt your cheeks warm again as you followed him to the stalls that sold foods, and or snacks that were just freshly made In which you could smell as their aroma's wafted through the air

you looked closer to see what was being sold, you saw someone just remove some fresh and sweet Tulumba from the oil as he topped It, but at another stall you looked at the large batch of Biryani with rice and meat in it that looked very delicious

"See anything you like" Kaveh asked

you smiled, "mhm, I think I'll have some Biryani It's been a while since I last had It, you know my mother used to make It the best"

Kaveh turned to the stall owner, "Excuse me Ma'am"

the lady turned, "How can I help you this evening?"

Kaveh started, "Two orders of Biryani please,"

"Of course right away sir, oh! It's (Y/n) too I haven't seen you In ages dear"

you smiled, "It's nice to see you again"

just then you heard the sounds of music as you turned to see people gathering, Insturments were being played with some starting to dance as It seemed time for merry making 

the stall owner handed you both your Biryani, as Kaveh paid her with some extra mora which she tried to refuse but he insisted In which she told him that he'd be blessed by Kusanali 

he patted her hands, "Thank you for the blessings madam, have a good night"

a warm smile started coming to your face as you looked on at this, he'd always been so sweet and kind hearted towards people of all ages no matter who they were. you soon went to eat with Kaveh nearby as you listened to the music together while enjoying the little meal 

just as one of the dancers beckoned you both to come join, you respectfully declined that was until Kaveh got up to go join in as you watched him let loose as he enjoyed himself 

you clapped along as you laughed while watching, but then Kaveh came over as he guided you to join him In which you were nervous at first but soon relaxed. following the music as you danced together with Kaveh as you then did some foot movements together, you then did a little jump as you and Kaveh then started spinning together as your hands were intertwined, 

laughing together as you felt so happy and free In this moment, you weren't a servant and Kaveh wasn't the king either you were just the both of you In your own little world.

To Love Someone so Dear, Kaveh X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now