Proposals? Chap.4

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A Few days passed since then and you got settled in at the palace well, the maids quarters were comfortable enough for you and you found that each maid had her own room, the same went for the servants but the guards sometimes shared the same room. that aside things were going good and It was nice to be able to chat with Kaveh or Al Haitham when they had the time, you'd mostly find Al Haitham In the royal library and archives if he wasn't seen anywhere else but he remained the same too, bluntly spoken and didn't have issues speaking out of turn towards Kaveh despite him being the king now but you knew they both were on good terms. As for Kaveh he'd been very busy the last few days with his council bringing up an Important matter, Kaveh was twenty five years old and still unmarried which was quite serious In his position as king.

Kaveh was listening to Mehrek as they walked down the hallway to the throne room, he'd be in another meeting today In which he already could feel a minor headache coming on. Upon arriving at the Throne room all of his council members bowed as he entered the chamber

Kaveh gestured them to rise as he made his way to the throne, then sitting down as Mehrek brought the first order of business to him which would be spoken

"The Desert King of Lower Land Setehk, has a proposal for your Majesty"

Kaveh lifted a brow, "Proposal? what Kind"

"he wishes to offer his daughter's hand In marriage to you, Princess Candace"

Kaveh was surprised, "I see...."

Mehrek smiled, "What a wonderful proposal your Majesty! might I add that, many other nobles in the capital would like you to meet their daughters"

Kaveh nodded, "Y...yes I'm aware but I-"

"Your Majesty should accept I've heard Princess Candace is of great beauty, her eyes are unlike those ever seen before"

Kaveh rested his chin, "Yes I've heard but is she willing?"


Kaveh started, "Is she willing? are any of those young women willing?"

the room went silent, just as Al Haitham let out a sigh "here we go..."

The Royal Treasurer started, "W...Well I don't know, but It's Important that your Majesty marries and also secure an heir"

Kaveh sighed, "I know Lord Azeem, but I-"

"your Majesty is twenty five years old, It's just the right time for you to find a bride"

Kaveh ran a hand over his hair, "Excuse me may I say som-"

the room started to fill up with the other members speaking all at once, making Kaveh feel dizzy as he sunk further into his throne all the while he rubbed his temple. but then he'd had enough 

"Everyone please stop!"

the room went silent, he then stood up "I mean no disrespect, but send an envoy to tell the Desert King that I decline his Proposal as well as those for the nobles in the capital"

Mehrek gaped, "bu...but your Majesty!"

"I realize what's at stake here believe me I do, but please understand...I wish to be with someone who is willing to be by my side, someone who I love and love me In return I don't want to force anything or anyone"

 Kaveh then let out a sigh, "Please Excuse me"

he started out of the throne room as Mehrek went to catch up with him, all the while the members of his council started to speak of how the Kingdom would be doomed at this rate.

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