Meeting Layla Chap.8

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Later on.....

It was In the Afternoon and you were just coming from having lunch with Sidra and the other maids who tended In the kitchens, she was just the same as she always was except now much older with her sight starting to grow bad which made you feel terrible. Sidra knew It happened to some as they grew older so she didn't grieve over the losing of her sight so much 

"I'll be alright Miss (Y/n), you needn't worry about me"

you gave her hands a patting, "Alright, but...please ask me if you need any help here"

Sidra smiled, "I will, but I couldn't pull you away from your duties In the wouldn't get to see his Majesty as often hm?"

you shyly smiled, "well I...."

she laughed, "I tease, I know you two are still peas In a pod like old times"

"Yes...we are" you said with a smile

Sidra looked you over, "Mhm I can tell by that smile on your face, no need to be shy"

just then you were called by one of the other maids, so you bid goodbye to Sidra for now before you left the Royal kitchens as you hurried along on your way but then.....


you bumped into someone and it was a lady not too older than you, she had long blue gradient hair In a ponytail with curly tendrils and her eyes golden but very very sleepy 


you furrowed your brows, "Are you alright?"

you carefully shook her and she startled awake, "Oh I'm sorry....oh no I fell asleep again....."

she whined, "Why can't I focus for once....."

you started, "Are you sure you're alright? who are you?"

she yawned, "oh, I'm Layla"

you nodded, "Oh I see, My name's (Y/n)"

"Nice to meet you," said Layla

"do you work In the palace?" you asked

Layla nodded, "Yes...though It's a little complicated, I was supposed to be In the Laundry rooms but I ended up In the Libraries Magic Archives..."

"Oh wow, that's Interesting" 

just then Layla started to panic, "No...No I have to get back to organizing all those ancient tomes or else I'll be awake all night again, but there's so many...what'll I do"

she started to cry a little and you helped to calm her, "It's going to alright I...I don't know anything about Ancient Tomes but I'll help you organize the books"

Layla's eyes sparkled, "Really?"

you smiled, "Of course"

she then wiped her tears, "Thank you ever so much (Y/n), If there's a way to repay you In the future I will"

"Oh there's no need for that, I'm only happy to help"

Layla smiled sleepily, "It's no wonder about the and his Majesty are a match made In the heavens...It's written In the stars"

you blushed, "Pardon?"

Layla yawned, "At least...that's what I've heard from the other servants...they gossip".

To Love Someone so Dear, Kaveh X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora