The Engagement Chap.17

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A Month Later...

After a while of keep your relationship on the down low Kaveh spoke to you and you both agreed It was time to settle the engagement, but before that Kaveh had formally asked you to marry him In a romantic way to which he used a Lotus flower by It's petals stating all of the things he'd be to you. and so the Engagement was set with you being presented to the whole of Sumeru Kingdom as his Fiancee and soon to be queen In which your status was changed once more, as you were engaged to the king you'd been elevated to the status of a princess and just as you were getting used to be called "Lady" you'd have to quickly get used to be called "Your Highness". these changes were quick but you were so very happy to be with Kaveh and you'd stand by his side until the day your life in this world came to an end, It was a little scary to think In a few short week's you'd become Queen of Sumeru but Kaveh assured you all would be fine.

The Palace was decorated and the guest lists had been finalized, today was the day that all of Sumeru Celebrated the royal engagement and there was to be a celebration In the palace

you were sitting at your vanity while Mekare and Layla were putting the final touches on you, a specialty dress had been made for you It was an Icy blue with glittering gold and silver *Click Arrow Above to see*This dress was unlike the one's you'd worn before as this one had the air of a real princess. Mekare fastened your golden like choker necklace around your neck before she put the matching earrings on you, your hair was already done up into a beautiful style 

"I can't believe you're already engaged" said Layla

you giggled, "I know, but honestly I wouldn't have it any other way and besides...Royal Protocol states that we should marry right away"

you slipped on your shoes and put the sheer embroidered shawl around your arms, you then stood as there came a knocking on your chamber door "My Padisarah, It's me"

you turned with a smile knowing It was your soon to be husband, "Kaveh"

Layla and Mekare stepped away as Kaveh made his way inside, and they bowed lowly to him 

Kaveh smiled, "Are you ready? you look beautiful"

he took your hand and spun you a little as you giggled, "Thank you, and yes"

"We should get going then, everyone's waiting for us"

you started, "Yes, but were you able to see about Mother?"

Kaveh's face saddened, "Yes, I sent someone to see if she could make the trip but It's not possible"

"I see, she should get better before coming here...I don't know what I was thinking"

Kaveh shook his head, "You're not wrong, you haven't seen Lady Neesha In a longtime It's only natural to miss your mother I know I do...everyday"

you touched his cheek, "Kaveh"

he kissed your hand, "I'll take you to visit her very soon, I promise"

you smiled, "Alright,"

you laced your hand's together before you left your room, Layla and Mekare followed not too far behind as they quietly chatted about how the both of you are a wonderful couple. making your way through the hall's you already heard the music along with the bustling throne room

upon arriving the guards opened the door's as everyone turned, you walked hand In hand with Kaveh inside the throne room as the guests made a pathway for you to walk 

they all bowed and as you walked up the little steps to Kaveh's throne, he raised a hand as he gestured everyone to rise before he cleared his throat, a smile coming to his face 

"Thank you all for coming, today the whole of Sumeru celebrates our Engagement to which we a very grateful for I hope you all will enjoy yourselves this day I cannot thank you enough for your support, love and kind words to my Fiancee and I"

everyone clapped with the music resuming before everyone went back to their conversations, the smells of spices and many delicacies wafted throughout the air 

you let out a breath, "Goodness"

"Are you alright?" he asked

you nodded, "Yes but...I was worried about what I had to do"

Kaveh rubbed your shoulder, "You're doing just fine, I am with you"

you touched his hand, just as Layla came to your side and whispered something In your ear as you saw Madam Faruzan approaching. A smile came to yours and Kaveh's faces 

"There you are, allow me to formally congratulate you both"

Kaveh smiled, "Thank you very much Madam Faruzan"

Faruzan came to your side, "It was just yesterday I was scolding him for running off so you two could play, but I wouldn't have forgiven myself for keeping you two apart If I knew today would happen"

you smiled as you welcomed her into a hug, "Madam Faruzan, thank you for looking out for us always"

she patted your back, "Of course,"

Madam Faruzan released you before Kaveh gave her a hug too, just as Lord Cyno came up 

"Your Majesty, your highness I'd like to extend my congratulations to you"

Kaveh smiled, "Thank you Lord Cyno, (Y/n) I don't believe you've met Lord Cyno yet"

"I haven't, It's a pleasure to meet your lordship I've heard of your heroics" you said

Cyno inclined his head, "You Honor me your highness,"

the next few honorable guests came up to meet you before you and Kaveh sat down to eat, amongst friends and some of Kaveh's distant relatives who welcomed you to the family.

(Song is from Bajirao Mastani, sung by Prithvi Gandharv, Kunal Pandit, Shashi Suman, Kanika Joshi, Rashi Raagga and Geetikka Manjrekar)

To Love Someone so Dear, Kaveh X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now