The Flowers Chap.5

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A few days later....

It was a bright sunny day and you were currently outside in the gardens, tending to the flowers alongside Mekare who wasn't all that bad at all to talk to despite the tough front she had, she'd opened up to you and even apologized for how she'd talked to you harshly before 

"I'm sorry, I hope you'll forgive me" she said

you smiled, "Of course, and don't worry I wasn't upset at all"

she sighed, "That's good, now...I have to ask you"

she looked around before coming closer, "How do you know his Majesty so well?"

" mother used to be one of Queen Faranak's handmaidens, so she'd bring me to the palace sometimes and that's when I met his majesty, I was eight and he was ten...he and I along with the Royal Scribe were the best of friends"

Mekare was shocked, "Truly? despite the great difference In status?"

you smiled and just shook your head, "Such a thing never mattered to his majesty"

Mekare then started to smile, "I understand, his majesty is very kind"

you clipped the last few flowers before gathering them up into your arms, the dahlia's were brightly colored with a blush like color. you rose onto your feet "I'll be right back"

you then started off as you made your way back inside the palace, you were supposed to oversee the flowers that decorated the palace In vases or the like so with dahlia's in arms you made your way to do so. but the first place you wanted to get some fresh flowers was the royal study 

along the way there a smile played on your lips, you knew right about now Kaveh was hard at work like always but you hoped he was properly taking care of himself in between 

upon arriving outside the royal study you saw Mehrak come outside, "Oh, Sir Mehrak"

"What're you doing here," he asked

you held up the flowers a little and he nodded before allowing you to pass, you went inside the study to indeed see Kaveh busying his quill as he was signing Important documents 

you stayed quiet as you walked over to the vase near the window, taking out the old flowers as you replaced them with the dahlia's you just picked. just as Kaveh looked up to see you which made the weariness in his expression before vanish as if never there "(Y/n)?"

you smiled, "Mhm"

Kaveh set down his quill as he looked at the flowers, "They're beautiful"

"Thank you"

Kaveh let out a yawn as he stretched his arms out, "did you get to meet Madam Faruzan yet?"

you giggled, "yes and she's just the same as ever but...."

you whispered, "Is she really over a hundred?"

Kaveh started laughing, "Hard to believe huh? but yes she is, rumors say she'd gotten sucked Into a magical artifact many many years ago"

you finished putting the last flower into the vase, as Kaveh stood up to come by your side 

you noticed he'd had bags underneath his eyes, "you don't look well"

Kaveh waved it off, "Oh this it's...I don't get the best sleep these days but I'm alright really"

he then brought his hand to wiped the sweat from your brow, "It's hot should be careful to not faint or become dehydrated"

"I know and I will"

Kaveh then held your hand, "Say, there's something I'd like to do later...would you come with me?"

you smiled, "Of course but where?"

he smiled, "That's a surprise, before sunset meet me outside the palace later if you can"


you gave his hand a squeeze but then let go as you excused yourself, promising you would meet him later when he said as you left while feeling an anticipation in your heart.

To Love Someone so Dear, Kaveh X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now