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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 12


Chapter 12 Regret

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Pei Jing had been at Yinghui Peak for a few days. He effortlessly blended in, portraying the image of a disliked boy who quietly entered from the backstage.

On this occasion, when he stepped into the realm, he didn’t encounter many challenges. It could be because his opponents were too inexperienced and he possessed great strength.

The Obsessive Shou Moves On [Rebirth] Chapter 1

On a typical morning, the Elder stood before the school, imparting knowledge about herbs. He discussed the marvels of rare plants and the secrets of extraordinary potions.

Filled with boredom, Pei Jing lowered his head and rested it on the table. He passed the time by skillfully folding a thousand origami cranes with a single sheet of paper.

With a handful of miniature origami cranes, Pei Jing was startled when Elder Cao’s voice resonated slowly, “You have been a part of Yunxiao for five days now. During this time, you should have grasped the basics of the cultivation realm. Normally, according to Yinghui Peak’s customs, we would embark on a journey for practical training in the days to come. However, there are pressing matters within our peak that demand my presence. Hence, I have decided to alter the customary routine slightly.”

“Are we allowed to descend the mountain?” A group of disciples instantly perked up, their eyes gleaming with excitement.

Ignoring their joyful gazes, Elder Cao carried on, “The destination for this training is the Yunlan Mountain Range. It’s a place of significant distance but still within reach. I will assign a few Senior Brothers to ensure your safety and give you tasks to accomplish. You will be grouped into teams of five, and you must looked out for one another. In two weeks’ time, I will evaluate what you have gained.”

Pei Jing was startled and lifted his head. The Yunlan Mountain Range—finally, it wouldn’t be a mere triviality. This mountain range had stood for thousands of years, concealing formidable demonic beasts within its depths. However, as a training ground, they would probably only venture into the outskirts.

Elder Cao coughed, halting the clamor. As the crowd settled, Elder Cao swept his dusting cloth and began speaking slowly, “The world beyond the mountain might not be unknown to you, but this time, you shall descend with a completely transformed identity. Previously, you were ordinary folks, the feeble. However, now you are cultivators, disciples of Yunxiao. You are embarking on this descent with the duty to slay demons and uphold worldly order. Do you understand?”

The disciples echoed in unison, “We understand!”

Elder Cao instructed, “Pack your belongings. We’ll set off this afternoon.”

After comprehending the rules clearly, Pei Jing took the initiative to approach Chu Junyu. He warmly extended an invitation, saying, “How about the two of us teaming up?”

Seated in his place, Chu Junyu, wearing a blue and white robe with a white jade crown, gave him a cold glance.

Following Pei Jing, a surge of people rushed over, eagerly vying to recruit Chu Junyu, all speaking at once.

“Brother Chu, why not join us? We only need one more person to complete our team of five.”

“Brother Jun, look at us. Our team consists of four cultivators at the seventh level of Qi Gathering. If you join our team, we’ll become even stronger.”

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