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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 15


Chapter 15 Late at Night

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After narrowly escaping the jaws of the snake, the young disciple remained shaken and filled with fear. His legs trembled uncontrollably, forcing him to seek support from a nearby tree trunk, desperately trying to regain his composure.

Pei Jing felt happy upon seeing Chu Junyu. He waved at him and, as he approached, asked, “Where did you go? I’ve been searching for you for a while.”

The Whole World Is My Crematorium Chapter 1

Chu Junyu explained, “Something happened.”

Pei Jing persisted, “What happened?”

Chu Junyu didn’t respond. Instead, his gaze fell upon the pale-faced young disciple.

His eyes lacked depth, and when he looked at people, there was always a touch of cold detachment.

The young disciple felt a tingling sensation on his scalp under Chu Junyu’s gaze and exclaimed with a distressed tone, “Br-br-brother Chu.”

Chu Junyu extended his hand towards him and said in a cold voice, “Give it to me.”

The young disciple was puzzled, “What? Give you what?”

“The thing you took near this snake’s body.”

The young disciple couldn’t hide anything under his intimidating gaze, so he took out a palm-sized spiritual mushroom from his sleeve and handed it to him with trembling hands. “It’s this one. I picked it myself. The snake wasn’t anywhere near. It only chased after me after I had walked a while.”

Pei Jing was momentarily perplexed, then found it both funny and frustrating. “Brother, isn’t this like robbery? If we wanted it, we could have picked it ourselves. We already have someone to do the legwork for free.”

Chu Junyu ignored him.

Pei Jing leaned in closer and, upon clearly seeing the appearance of the spiritual mushroom, his smile faded.

The spiritual mushroom lying in Chu Junyu’s palm looked strange. It had a purplish-red color, which appeared even more vivid against his pale skin. The patterns on the spiritual mushroom were black, seeping into it like dark energy flowing through flesh and blood.

Pei Jing asked the young disciple, “You dared to pick this?”

The young disciple was even more confused. “Why can’t I pick it? Don’t all spiritual mushrooms look like this?”

Pei Jing: “…Sure.” As long as you’re happy.

They were chased by that snake for half a day but couldn’t escape the Yunlan Mountain Range. They were still in the middle region.

The sky gradually darkened, and it would be evening soon. The thick fog made it difficult to find the way. The young disciple went to scout alone but ended up going in circles and stumbling back.

Feeling hopeless, he put down the compass. “It’s getting dark, and we won’t make it back today. Senior Brother will definitely scold us.” He cast a resentful glance at the other two and sadly realized that it seemed like he was the only one concerned about this.

Chu Junyu, finding the ground dirty, sat on a tree branch. He held a black book in his hand, his expression cold as he made strokes on the pages.

Zhang Yiming went even further, he was actually roasting the spiritual mushrooms!

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