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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 51


Chapter 51.1 Go out

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Pei Jing squatted by the jar, his pupils shrinking, mouth wide open, wearing a complicated expression. He knew Chu Junyu was no ordinary person, but he never expected it would be him.

He suddenly remembered their last encounter when he asked Chu Junyu who he was, and received a mysterious answer — “You’ll find out when we meet next time.” And indeed… this time, he found out.

The Obsessive Shou Moves On [Rebirth] Chapter 1

“Chu… Junyu?” Pei Jing whispered in disbelief.

Despite being so close, Chu Junyu could hear him even if he spoke softly.

Chu Junyu glanced at him, lowering his gaze, and suddenly smiled.

Pei Jing trembled and looked up.

A faint smile appeared on Chu Junyu’s lips, his eyes like pure blood jade, an unfathomable abyss. He bent down and said, “Pei Yuzhi, thank you.”

The voice was barely audible, tender like meeting a long-lost friend.

Pei Jing felt strangely uneasy upon hearing it.

But he didn’t like how Chu Junyu spoke, it rubbed him the wrong way.

Pei Jing stood there bewildered for a few seconds, then snapped back to reality and quickly grabbed Chu Junyu’s hand, feeling awkward. “Hold off on the thanks for now. Let’s figure out how to get out of here first.”

Before he could finish, a loud explosion echoed from behind.

Boom! Dark green and black light burst forth, and the monsters let out painful cries. Suddenly, Zhang Qingshu looked up and let out a menacing laugh. Pei Jing turned around, meeting a pair of eyes devoid of white.

Zhang Qingshu’s appearance slowly transformed. His hair grew longer, his skin grew paler, as if soaked in water for too long, gradually becoming see-through. His figure shot up abruptly.

Floating in mid-air, he lowered his head and locked eyes with Pei Jing.

The undead monsters beneath his feet went into a frenzy, contorting and writhing, trapped in a twisted posture, screaming in despair and pain.

Zhang Qingshu chuckled, laughing until the end, emitting a sound that couldn’t be distinguished as male or female, now completely transformed into a monster.

“You won’t let me die, so I’ll have to kill you first. Let’s kill each other! After all, plenty of people have already died in this place!”

The pen in his hand transformed into a sharp blade, and an eerie pressure permeated the space from all directions. The floating blood locks trembled and rattled. This time, the aura was overwhelmingly intense, stirring up a whirlwind of dust that shook the doors in the courtyard.

Ever since encountering the Thousand-Faced Woman, Pei Jing had been speculating about the terrifying power of these monsters during their prime. Now, he was witnessing it firsthand. As Zhang Qingshu succumbed to demonic influence, the rain began to pour in Zhonglian Village, an unnerving and chilling downpour of black rain.

The sky and earth were shrouded in dense black clouds, obscuring the daylight.

Suspended in mid-air, the monster, standing on countless horizontal locks, wielded a single pen, and with a single stroke, the heavens and earth seemed to crumble.

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