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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 19


Chapter 19.1 Tianyan City

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The Ghost Realm resided at the northern edge of the Canghua continent, neighboring Yunxiao. With a single swift sword stroke, traversing distances of millions, it was possible to complete a round trip within a day.

Journeying northward, they crossed the desolate Reincarnation Mountain, only to be confronted by a mighty river blocking his path.

Phrases to Speak Chinese Fluently - Part 19

Known as the Forgotten River, its waters shimmered in a captivating shade of emerald green.

Contrary to the tales inscribed in ancient tomes, the waters of the Ghost Realm’s Forgotten River lacked the enchanting power to cleanse one’s memories. Instead, it was merely ordinary water, tainted by a faint trace of deathly aura, appearing as a mystical blend of blue and green, exuding an inexplicable and somewhat unpleasant scent.

Pei Jing had ventured into the Ghost Realm on a previous occasion.

Accompanied by the enigmatic Ji Wuduan and the resilient Yu Qinglian.

Those were the days when they had just emerged from the arduous five-year training at the Institute of Celestial Ascension. Having escaped the clutches of their ancestral masters, they were only a step away from jubilantly lighting up the sky with firecrackers, celebrating their newfound freedom.

After suppressing their true instincts for such a prolonged period, the urge to reemerge into the world had become too tantalizing to resist. So, a pact was forged among a group of a dozen or so comrades—a commitment to spend half a year together, embarking on a perilous journey to hunt down and vanquish malevolent spirits and mischievous creatures. In essence, it was an opportunity to engage in thrilling encounters and unwind.

Those were the unfortunate times when they unwittingly became the magnet for a plethora of ill-fated ghosts and creatures.

In the span of six short months, they traveled across vast lands, conquering mountains and rivers.

Amongst their myriad adventures, one particular incident led them to cross paths with the mysterious Ghost Realm.

They encountered the mystical Reincarnation Mountain with its peculiar peaks and unusual rocks, as well as the turbid bluish-green waters of the Forgotten River.

Pei Jing was quite intrigued and couldn’t help but ask about the names of the mountain and the river. With a constant smile on his face, he gestured and teased, “Why not build a bridge here and plant some flowers by the river? You wouldn’t even need to think about the names. The bridge would be called Naihe, and the flowers would be called Bi’an. It’s supposed to be a city of the living, yet it imitates the realm of the dead in every aspect. Have you all spent so much time with the deceased that you’ve started seeing yourselves as dead too?”

Ji Wuduan remained unfazed. In the short years they had spent together at the Institute of Celestial Ascension, he had already figured out Pei Jing’s character. Without any change in expression, he coldly retorted, “You dress in white from head to toe every day, but I don’t see anyone dying around you.”

Pei Jing simply laughed and said, “Haven’t you already anticipated that you’ll lose to me in the Trial of Challenging the Heavens fifty years from now? I should start mourning your impending defeat.”

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