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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 32


Chapter 32 Yu Qinglian

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The next day, the same location.

As soon as Ji Wuyou walked in, a group of people warmly welcomed him.

Smiles lit up on everyone’s faces.

“Good morning, Brother Ji.”

“Finally, you’re here! We’ve been waiting for you for so long!”

“Today, we had a task at the Consulate Hall and were planning to bring you along. Let’s go.”

Ji Wuyou had a restless night and had dark circles under his eyes. When they rushed towards him, he stood there in a daze, thinking it was all a dream. He pinched himself hard and was pleasantly surprised to realize it was real.


Last night, a few people were genuinely frightened by the vicious dogs, and now they treated Ji Wuyou as if he were a deity. They approached him, linking arms and shoulders, like a pair of bosom buddies, and urged him towards the door. “Are you hungry? If you are, let’s grab something to eat.”

Ji Wuyou had never been received so warmly before. It felt like genuine friendship, and he laughed slowly, a bit slow-witted and shy.

His eyes sparkled, and he nodded emphatically. “Alright!”

Xu Jing, who happened to be passing by, held a book in his arms and was left dumbfounded, nearly bumping into a wall.

Just then, Pei Jing walked in from outside.

Xu Jing pointed at the crowd that gathered and said, “Am I seeing things, or have they gone crazy?”

Pei Jing glanced over and replied, “Perhaps they’ve had a sudden change of heart. After all, Ji Wuyou is such an adorable chubby little guy.” 

Xu Jing curled his lips and said, “I don’t believe a word you say.”

Pei Jing’s gaze momentarily paused on Ji Wuyou’s figure.

He faintly sensed a bloody, dangerous aura around the protagonist. It was so subtle that it could be easily overlooked, and he wondered if it was just his imagination.

“Where did Ji Wuyou go yesterday?”

Pei Jing couldn’t quite recall the plot of “Executioner’s Sword.”

However, the protagonist didn’t seem to have any remarkable adventures in the early stages.

The true path of encountering gods and killing them, encountering Buddhas and killing them, would only begin after his bloodline awakened, specifically when he escaped from Pei Yuzhi’s grasp.

He recalled Xu Jing’s mention of the rampant demons and monsters devouring people outside of Yunxiao. Could it be that Ji Wuyou encountered a demonic cultivator last night? But he seemed to be fine and lively now, so it was probably a narrow escape. Pei Jing temporarily set aside this matter in his mind.

Ji Wuyou found his first taste of kindness and tenderness at Shangyang Peak, enjoying the company of his new friends. Meanwhile, Pei Jing received the final letter from Ji Wuduan, personally delivered by Chen Xu.

As soon as he saw Chen Xu, Pei Jing developed a headache. “You could have just sent me a message. Why did you come here?” He hurriedly ushered him out, afraid of being seen by Chu Junyu. However, Chu Junyu still caught sight of them right at the entrance to the cave.

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