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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 47 Part 2


Chapter 47.2 Bell

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After settling Ji Wuyou, Yu Qinglian immediately hurriedly followed the two demons. Her memory was excellent, and within a radius of a hundred miles, she was still familiar with Ji Wuyou’s aura. She went around in circles, not knowing how long she had been circling, east and west, in pursuit.

Finally, she found the room where Ji Wuyou was confined. It was the tallest building in the entire mansion, almost overlooking the great river. Crimson lanterns, delicate sheer curtains, and a dim light seeping through the western window illuminated the young monk sitting cross-legged on the bed, his eyes closed in meditation. Yu Qinglian breathed softly, carefully balancing on her tiptoes against the railing. In the shadows, she could see the scene inside, but the people inside couldn’t see her.

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Wu Sheng sat there. Soon, the sound of footsteps climbing the stairs drew closer, creaking, and the door was pushed open. One of the two demons, a woman in purple attire, entered with a cup in her hand, moving in a seductive manner.

She poured the crimson blood into the cup, walked over to Wu Sheng, and slowly ran her fingernails across his robe, coquettishly saying, “Young Master, why don’t you open your eyes and look at me?”

Wu Sheng seemed to ignore her.

The woman in purple laughed playfully, “You won’t look at me, but I want to see you.”

“I fell in love with you at first sight, Young Master. Practicing as a demon in this place for four hundred years, I have never met anyone who suits my taste like you do. Serpents are naturally lascivious, and I am a sinner, so you must be my redemption.”

Wu Sheng remained silent.

Yu Qinglian didn’t dare to make a rash move either. Being at the Nascent Soul stage, she could clearly see that a layer of dark energy enveloped Ji Wuyou. This dark energy not only restricted his cultivation but also limited his movements. She had said it before, even if Wu Sheng was a kind-hearted person, the white blindfold could never be taken off.

However, what exactly was that dark energy?

Yu Qinglian was perplexed. She didn’t have it on her, and Ji Wuyou didn’t either, so why did Wu Sheng have this thing around him?

The woman in purple extended her tongue, a long and slender serpent’s tongue. Her eyes also transformed into a murky yellow vertical slit. Opening her mouth, her entire face instantly distorted, with features vanishing and scales emerging, turning her into a monstrous creature with a snake’s head and a human body.

She aimed to sink her teeth into Wu Sheng’s neck with a single bite. However, something peculiar happened. As soon as the demoness’s teeth touched Wu Sheng’s skin, her whole body shuddered, revealing an expression of extreme madness and agony. Sizzling sounds echoed as the dark energy surrounding Wu Sheng surged towards her face, corroding half of her cheek.

“Ah!” She screamed in pain, clutching her face, writhing on the ground. Transforming back into a human form, only half of her head remained, flesh and blood. The demoness looked terrified, her voice hoarse and desperate, “You… Ahhh!”

Wu Sheng still kept his eyes closed.

Once the white blindfold was removed from him, he would never open his eyes again.

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